Chapter 318
If it was really evil fate, she could see it everywhere, she thought that Yue Yulitian and the others were going to inquire about something, but she didn't expect that they were only here to visit the lord of Wangyue City.

That's right, Wangyue City can be regarded as a town outside the boundary of Yueyu Sacred Dynasty, and it is close to Fengyun Branch. The royal family must want to win over it. Because of Fengyun Branch, Wangyue City is very prosperous.

If it becomes a royal city, it will be easier to set up a border defense here and gather capable people and strangers, not to mention that the lord of Wangyue City is as rich as an enemy!Even if you can't win over this big piece of fat, it would be nice if you can buy some face.

Yueyu Litian just wanted to be the middleman and regain Yueyu Haonan's trust, so this time with Jun Luoxi, the ministers and forces who supported him turned their backs one after another, which caused him a headache.

"Just because you want to see the city lord, it's a fool's dream!" A princess and a prince came to ask for a meeting but they didn't see each other, not to mention that Jun Luoxi was just a famous Nanping princess.

"You can't, it doesn't mean others can't." Jun Luoxi pretended to be embarrassed on purpose, as if he had uttered a big word, which made Jun Luotian and Yueyu Jiaojiao even more proud, and even almost believed Yueyu Litian .

"If you can, call this princess's name upside down!" Annoyed, Yueyu Jiaojiao subconsciously yelled.

Jun Luoxi smiled, "Don't forget that princess, or the slap in the face will hurt." After finishing speaking, she walked towards the gate of the City Lord's Mansion step by step in the sight of the three of them.

Seeing Jun Luoxi coming, the servants were taken aback for a moment, and before they could ask, Jun Luoxi said, "I want to go in."

The boys didn't think too much, and immediately gave up their seats, "Girl please!" This girl has a very good relationship with their eldest lady, and the city lord also ordered that she should not be stopped at any time, so they naturally obeyed orders.

"What!" The three exclaimed in disbelief, and Yueyu Jiaojiao rushed over in dissatisfaction.

"Didn't you say that the city lord is very busy, why can she go in!"

The servants immediately became displeased, they themselves were disgusted with someone showing off their status in Mochiyue City, and they belonged to the royal family, so they don't know if they are not under the control of the royal family, really.

"No comment!" He didn't need to explain, because this was an order issued by the city lord himself, and everyone in the city lord's mansion must abide by it.

"You guys!" Yueyu Jiaojiao was so angry that he vomited blood, and Yueyu Litian was afraid that she would say something unscrupulous, so he immediately pulled her away, and before leaving, he took a deep look at Jun Luoxi.

He really underestimated this woman. Her ability is really surprising. Where is Wangyue City? like home.

Before, if it was before, they wouldn't be like this. He must get her. If this woman is by his side to advise him, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!
Apart from shock, Jun Luotian's eyes were full of jealousy. Ever since her personality changed drastically, she has become extremely lucky. Damn it!
"Girl, please." The young servant respectfully invited Jun Luoxi to the mansion, but when she walked in a few steps, the two servant girls were walking out with joy in the distance.

"Wow, Luoxi, I was just looking for you to go shopping, and here you are, let's go shopping." Ganlu got excited, and soon came to Jun Luoxi's side.

"Then we can say that we want to go together." Jun Luoxi lied, she would not say that she entered the mansion deliberately to embarrass Yueyu Litian and the others, just as Ganlu said so, then follow her meaning, White lies are actually pretty good too.

(End of this chapter)

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