Chapter 3187 Count him running fast

It didn't say any threatening words, it was him who kept fearing there.

I don't know if it was the extreme fear, but Li Jun's mood gradually calmed down.

"Boss, you are amazing!"

Someone boasted, and the Black Demon Huo immediately shouted: "Of course, when I am fighting with the master, I will blow my breath, and a hundred people will be wiped out in the blink of an eye. If I make a little move, a thousand people will die. I..."

Li Jun's eyes widened, and suddenly he felt that his eyes went dark, and he didn't know anything.

"Hey, what's wrong with him, master, is he injured, do you need medicine?"

No, before, he was still alive and well, so he just suffered some skin trauma.

Jun Luoxi glanced at it from the corner of his eye, very helpless, "I fainted."

To wipe out hundreds of thousands of people in one breath, even modern technology cannot do it.

When Li Jun heard this, it's no wonder he fainted from fright.

"Hey! I'm really timid. I should exercise properly. Now I understand why people in this world have heart disease. It must be caused by too timid."

Jun Luoxi is speechless, this is not a question of one level at all, okay?

At this time, Li Jun's phone rang, and she picked it up.

"Have you found it? Okay, give me the location and go there together."

She hung up the phone, started the navigation and drove the car.

After five years, great changes have taken place here. She was not familiar with City A before, and the roads in this world are winding. If she drives without technology, she may not be able to find her way.

Of course, it wouldn't be a problem if she was allowed to fly in the air, but unfortunately it was impossible.

In less than half an hour, two cars stopped in front of a villa.

A Yang and the others got out of the car, "Boss, where is A Jun, is he okay?" They didn't have time to ask about Li Jun's situation on the phone.

"Boss, Ah Jun won't be." The big head looked terrified and frightened, for fear of hearing the news of despair.

Jun Luoxi pointed to the car, "He is dizzy, no matter, we will deal with the next thing."

Afterwards, she walked towards the villa, and immediately used formations to isolate the place.

A villa with a strong security system is useless in front of Jun Luoxi.

She walked in with Ayang and others, and they immediately took out their tools and looked around vigilantly.

"No one is here" After a little perception, Jun Luoxi knew that there was no sign of anyone in the house.

Just outside, she already had a premonition, because she didn't see Jin Bai's car.

Datou and the others were in a daze, looked around immediately, and ran up to the second floor, but they didn't find anyone.

"Boss, people ran away!"

"Even if he runs fast, otherwise labor and capital will blow his head off!" Zhao Meng said fiercely.

After all, he is someone who has been with Jun Luoxi before, so he knows her temper well. When his plan fails, he will be greeted with her revenge.

Unless he has the ability to deal with it, in this case, there is only one way to go, and that is to run and hide.

Jun Luoxi quietly erased the traces of their entry into the villa.

"Let's go, go back."

Now that people have run away, they will definitely not come back here for a while, there is no need for them to stay here.

If people see them later, they will be reported for trespassing if they are not guaranteed.

"Boss, Ah Jun!" Looking at the unconscious Li Jun, the boss and the others were very anxious.

Jun Luoxi laughed, "He's fine, you take him back, if there's anything wrong, tell me right away, oh yes, you take these things with you."

She gave a few people a piece of jade, and her spiritual power was condensed in this thing, even if it crashed into a car or fell from dozens of floors, it would still be unscathed.

(End of this chapter)

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