Chapter 3191
"be a teacher."

"Ahem, what, what are you kidding? To be a teacher, anyone who does this profession in this world must have a certificate. Do you have one?"

Shui Qingche never thought that Jun Moyan would have such an idea, how boring, to teach a group of people, teach them how to practice.

Jun Moyan was serious, "For the certificate, it should be no problem to find Ah Jun, I will try it, if it doesn't work, I will come back."

It's not like teaching for too long, so it won't affect other people.

Furthermore, when each school recruits teachers, there is no probationary period, but that depends on another matter, and he believes in his ability, teacher, he is competent.

Yueling Qianshang slightly raised his eyebrows, "In that case, then we will congratulate you in advance, don't teach people in this world to be bad."


Why, they don't believe in his ability. If that's the case, he should really show some real skills, so as not to make them laugh at himself.

"Let's not talk about it, the interview is coming in two days, I'll go get acquainted first."

After Jun Moyan left, Shui Qingche watched Yueling Qianshang go up to the second floor, and was suddenly surprised, "It's broad daylight, you want to take a nap?"

"No, I'll change clothes and go to the company."

When my stinky brother was in Yueling Kingdom, he helped me a lot. Now that the consortium is employing people, he happens to have nothing to do, so go and help him.

They all left, and the clear water suddenly felt boring.

He picked up a magazine on the table casually.

"I thought about what I was going to do! Hehehe."

Jun Luoxi didn't know that the three of them were looking for things to do for themselves because they were bored.

When Shui Qing found herself, her expression was extremely surprised, "Are you sure?"

"Affirmative and affirmative, you can say whether you want it or not, and I will go somewhere else."

Shui Qing was wearing a flamboyant red shirt, coupled with his slightly feminine handsome face, he was indistinguishable from male and female, full of coquettishness.

"Of course, I'll get someone to contact the designer right now. Don't let us down. Make good use of your strengths."

"That is, there is no one in this world who can compare to me except us," Shui Qing said confidently.

On the other side, Jun Moyan also successfully passed the exemption test. He entered the university and became a professor. With his excellent appearance and temperament, coupled with his conversation, he won the support of the students.

Every class is full, and even students who are not his come to listen to the lecture, and there is no need to maintain order.

And after Yueling Qianshang joined the consortium to help, he and Li Qianjue's outstanding and fierce methods won everyone's admiration. The consortium annexed other small companies and became bigger and bigger.

It seemed that they were going to become a super consortium in City A, but everyone only knew about two people, and no one could find out what forces were behind them.

This group of people who have played their own strengths will never feel bored again.

Gradually, they integrated into this world and felt the different fun here.

As for Jun Luoxi, after returning to the mercenary group, the reputation of the mercenary queen became loud again.

Her ability is even more unfathomable, but this time, she did not take any more orders, and the ones she took were handled by the people under her without any mistakes.

Jin Bai also disappeared for the time being, but Jun Luoxi didn't take it seriously.

If he still wants to deal with him, he will naturally appear, so she doesn't need to look for him.

Although everyone is busy with things, but in free time, the big guys still gather together to eat and play.

For Yueling Qianshang and the others, these problems in their hands are not difficult at all.

After all, this is just a simple business plan.

(End of this chapter)

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