Chapter 3193 Too Dangerous

The reason why Jun Luoxi used this excuse was to create more opportunities for Gan Lu and Xue Yunkuang.

She didn't know at the moment that the two had already obtained the certificate first, and thought that the two had figured it out and were falling in love.

Look, everyone's worried about the two of them.

City A, a forest park on the edge of the city.

Outside the bathroom.

"You wait for me here, I'll be out soon, don't run around!" A little boy seriously told a cute little girl who was carved in pink and jade.

"Go brother, I'll be obedient, and I won't wander anywhere." Xiyue looked obedient.

When he walked in, a man came out of the women's bathroom at the other end, dressed very elegantly, with a bag in his hand.

Suddenly, a person came out from the opposite side of her, walked quickly to her side with his head down, and took out the wallet inside very deftly.

This scene happened to be seen by Xiyue, she put her hands on her hips and stood in front of this man.

"You, return the wallet to this aunt!"

Unexpectedly, she was seen, and the gloomy-looking man glared at her fiercely, "Little brat, don't talk nonsense!" His eyes were full of warning.

The voice happened to be heard by the woman, and she subconsciously looked at the bag. When she took the paper just now, she forgot to zip it up, and the wallet was gone.

"It's obvious that you took someone else's wallet. You have hands and feet. What's wrong with you, you want to be a thief!"

Xiyue is not afraid at all, and even educates the other party, she hates this kind of person who doesn't think about making progress.

Lin Sang saw the lighted knife in the thief's trouser pocket, and immediately became anxious, "Baby, you read it wrong, Auntie's wallet is not lost, let's go, your mother is waiting for us over there."

The thief felt complacent right away, knowing that these people didn't dare to expose him, and choosing a thin woman as his target was indeed the right decision.

He picked up the knife, gave Xiyue a hard look, and walked away.

At this moment, Na Lin Sang came to Xiyue's side to protect her, and pulled her to the side, "It's dangerous, don't talk."

There are generally very few people in this forest park. Even if there are many people, who would dare to go all out if they learn that the other party is a thief? These people are dangerous people.

Xiyue opened her mouth, and caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of her eye, "But he is a bad guy, stealing auntie's wallet, and he wants to kill me!"

Her voice was not loud, but it reached the ears of Yu Chen who had just walked out.

If you want to kill her sister, you should die.

There happened to be a mineral water bottle on the ground, and Yu Chen kicked it hard.

All of a sudden, as if Conan possessed his body, the Aquarius hit the thief, just in front of a rock, and he fell heavily.

"Ah" Immediately afterwards, the man stopped moving.

Just in time, a security guard walked by not far away, and Xi Yue yelled at the top of her voice, "Uncle Security, catch the thief, he stole our things."

At that moment, the security guard walked over holding a stick and saw that the man was fainted.

"Who hit it?"

Yu Chen walked over and said casually: "I fell it myself."

Then took out a wallet, "Is this yours?"

Lin Sang was taken aback, "It's mine, and there's my ID card inside."

After taking a look, the security guard called his companion through the walkie-talkie and arrested him. He found a lot of valuable things from him, such as a mobile phone and a wallet, confirmed his identity, and prepared to send him to a nearby police station.

"Brother, you are amazing, hehe." Xiyue looked at Yuchen with a smile, her eyes full of admiration.

Listening to Xiyue's words, Lin Sang didn't know what she meant.

"Are you two brothers and sisters? Where are your parents? Why are you the only two?"

When she was asking, she looked around, but she didn't see anyone else who seemed to be their parents.

(End of this chapter)

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