Chapter 3201 we are famous

The aura in this world is too thin, and they don't need to practice normally if they don't use their aura. Even if they use a little, they can recover slowly, so they don't care too much.

"People in this world, don't you find it strange to use this thing?"

The two were talking in the back seat, but the driver didn't hear anything, as if they were whispering.

His professional ethics kept him from looking sideways, so he naturally wouldn't deliberately eavesdrop.

Xiyue rested her chin on her hands, "It's quite strange, but maybe that object is old, so it is contaminated with spiritual energy."

The principle is like the magic weapon of their world. After a long time, following the master, they will gradually have spirituality.

Yu Chen lowered his eyes, "Maybe so, but she calls me Shang'er."

The man's eyes and the doting tone of his voice didn't look like someone suffering from paranoia at all, as if he really regarded him as his own child.

He also felt that tenderness from his own mother, so there was nothing wrong with it.

"Don't think too much bro, if you're curious, why don't we come and see for ourselves later?" Xiyue was careless, everyone said that the man was demented, and she was confused.

I don't remember what my current situation is at all, and it's normal to admit the wrong person.

"En." Yu Chen paused, and put the matter aside.

I don't know why, when he approached the old woman, he didn't resist very much, and he still felt a little close.

Perhaps, he was moved by the gentle and doting eyes. A mother who misses her child so much makes people feel distressed.

In a restaurant, two people sat facing each other in a booth, eating snacks and drinks.

"Yun Kuang, do you think someone is watching us?" Gan Lu looked surprised, and in a blink of an eye someone picked up a mobile phone to take a picture of her, but she took it back when she found out.

In the past, those people were crazy about shooting Xueyun.

"Is there, it seems to be, probably because we are so good-looking." Xue Yunkuang was extremely narcissistic.

In their world, there were not many handsome men and women, but when he came here, he found that they were very good-looking, and they were often seen or photographed by others. He was used to it.

The corner of Ganlu's mouth twitched, "I'm done drinking, let's go."

It's okay to take a look and take a picture, but the problem is that it's uncomfortable to be stared at like this.

Naturally, Xue Yunkuang would not refuse, so he picked up her bag very manly, took her hand and walked out.

However, at this moment, a boy with his head lowered and playing with his mobile phone came up and almost bumped into each other.

"I'm sorry, I didn't bump into you, hey, Goddess." When the boy looked up and saw Ganlu, his eyes suddenly became obsessed.

He thought of something, and quickly looked down at the phone, "You are really a goddess, wow, I met a goddess, can you take a photo with me, goddess?"

Ganlu looked confused, when did she become a goddess.

"Wow, there are idols, did you have dinner together? Wow, I'm so lucky to meet a goddess and an idol today!" The boy looked adoring.

And Xue Yunkuang's unhappy mood suddenly improved a lot at this time, idol, isn't this the respectful name fans call themselves.

The two stood on both sides of the boy and took a photo with him, making him so beautiful that he couldn't stop smiling.

Just when the two were about to leave, several people rushed up, "Goddess, idol, can I take a photo with you?"

These people were all peeking at Gan Lu and Xue Yunkuang before, they didn't have the guts to come over.

Fortunately, there were not many people, and the group photo was finished soon. At this time, they also understood why they called themselves that.

"Idol, you don't know, this game is very popular now! We are all playing it, but we never thought we would meet a spokesperson." The boy raised the game in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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