Chapter 3207

"Are you serious?"

Mu Wan already believes a little in her heart, but her expression is still hesitant. At this time, she can't be careless, who knows whether what he said is true or not.

Yue Ling Qianshang shrugged, "Of course, you can't misunderstand good people, can you?"

After a pause, he continued, "Can you get me up, I haven't had my soup yet."

Soup, what soup?

The smell of instant noodles came from his nose, and Mu Wan looked sideways, and found that Yueling Qianshang was holding a bucket of instant noodles steadily in the other hand, faintly emitting white smoke.


She glared at Yueling Qianshang fiercely, "Don't play tricks, don't try to call the police, or I will kill you! Where is the phone, bring it!"

In order to prevent this person from tampering, one must be cautious.

Yueling Qianshang pursed her lips, "Mobile phone, get in the car."

Mu Wan's eyes shifted to the car she was hiding just now, and a black line suddenly appeared on her face, "Your car?"

"Could it still be yours?" This girl is so interesting.

"Then you've seen it all." Mu Wan had a murderous look on her face, it's really unlucky, she obviously went to a place where there are few people, how could she still be seen seriously.

Yueling Qianshang nodded, "I have seen it all, you are very powerful, you are a talent, oh yes, can you take the knife away, I want to drink soup."

I haven't eaten anything since the afternoon, and I'm almost starving like a fool.

"No! You give me the car keys! And your wallet."

Mu Wan felt the injuries on her body. If those people turned back, she would not be able to escape at all. It would be much more convenient to have a car, and she had to buy some medicine to treat the wound.

Yueling Qianshang's expression suddenly became playful, "They're all in the car, I didn't close the door, you take it yourself?"

This woman was alert and intelligent, and this was the first time he had seen such an intelligent woman in this world.

However, Mu Wan felt that he was delaying time, and at the same time was a little strange why he was not afraid of herself.

"Don't play tricks, get up! Give me the wallet and car keys, hurry up! Or I'll kill you!" Mu Wan threatened fiercely.

Seeing this, Yue Ling Qianshang was overjoyed, "Kill me, you are still far away."

Just when Mu Wan couldn't see his movements clearly, his wrist hurt and he snatched the dagger away.


Yueling Qianshang gulped down a few sips of instant noodle soup, saw her staring at her, and said slowly, "Why, do you want to have a sip too?"

"No!" Crazy, don't care about him, he doesn't look like a bad person.

Thinking about it, Mu Wan turned around and was about to leave, Yueling Qianshang sensed it, and immediately reached out to stop her, "You can't leave yet."

Unexpectedly, before she finished speaking, Mu Wan raised her foot and kicked him precisely in the crotch.

Yueling Qianshang jumped aside, with a stunned expression, "You girl, it's just, it's just!"

It's just too pungent, if she kicks him down, even if he is an ordinary person, then he is strong enough, okay?

"do not bother me!"

Mu Wan took a step back, picked up the package of tissues on the ground and opened it, and wiped the sweat off her face indiscriminately, it was sticky and greasy, making people very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, she felt a dangerous breath coming from the back of her head.

When he turned his head, he found a person had fallen down.

Yueling Qianshang looked at her with a smile, "It's a little effort, don't thank me."

"." Crazy, who should thank him, but, how did he make a move, is it like in a TV series, it is impossible to knock people out with a palm.

Shaking the thoughts in her heart, Mu Wan took a deep look at Yueling Qianshang, "I remember you."

Today, if he helped himself, then she would not harm him.

Hearing her words, Yue Ling Qianshang suddenly had a strange feeling, "This means, do you want to take revenge on me, or do you want to repay me?"

(End of this chapter)

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