Chapter 3210 Strange Man

Not daring to play cards like this made Mu Wan stunned again.

"Then, thank you, I will pay you." It's like staying overnight, and you have to pay what you should.

Yueling Qianshang smiled irrefutably, turned the steering wheel skillfully, and headed towards the villa area.

Because of the injury and exhaustion, Mu Wan was in a daze, and naturally she didn't know where she was being taken. When she came back to her senses, she found that she had parked the car.

"Here, can you go?"

Yueling Qianshang opened the car door with concern in his eyes.

Mu Wan nodded, "I can." However, he took two steps forward, but his eyes darkened, and he almost fell down.

At this time, Yueling Qianshang quickly supported her, "Let me support you."

Looking around with the help of the light, Mu Wan found that it was a single-family villa, her eyes could not help but flicker, rich people, the villa is still so big.

"Sit whatever you want, I'll pour you a glass of water" said Yue Ling Qianshang poured water for Mu Wan.

She drank a few sips, and the tense mood that night was slightly relieved.

"Well, let me borrow the bathroom."

Yue Ling Qianshang raised his eyebrows, "I'll take you to the guest room, there is a bathroom."

After sending her to her place, he left naturally. Although Mu Wan hesitated, she didn't say anything. She entered the room and gently closed the door.

If you come here, you will be safe. If you don’t come here, you will only be caught or dealt with by those people. Anyway, the consequences will not be worse than coming here.

Taking a deep breath, she walked into the bathroom and found that there were unused towels and other items in the cupboard. She immediately picked up water and wiped her sweaty face, hands and feet.

The wound on her body needs to be treated, but here, I don't know if there is gauze to stop the bleeding.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"What's the matter?" Mu Wan opened the door a crack, staring at Yueling Qianshang outside vigilantly.

When going out on business with a strange man under the eaves, one should be more vigilant.

"I think you will need these, hemostatic gauze, oh yes, a clean T-shirt, mine is too small and I haven't worn it."

Mu Wan's eyes softened involuntarily, she opened the door and reached out to take it, "Thank you" I didn't expect him to even think of this.

But when she raised her hands, she didn't keep them steady, and the medicine box fell to the ground.

"Come on, your hand must be injured." Yue Ling Qianshang picked up the medicine box and went straight into the room.

Mu Wan stood at the door, very hesitant, and at the same time wanted to run away.

Seeing this, Yue Ling Qianshang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Girl, I don't mean anything, your injury is on your back, I think you need help, and if I really want to do something to you, can you escape?"

Yes, there is a natural gap between men and women, not to mention that she still looks like this at the moment.

"No need, I, I can do it myself."

Yueling Qianshang just looked at her like this, Mu Wan tried several times, but the injury on her back still couldn't be reached, there was sweat and dust, if it wasn't treated in time, it might cause inflammation and the consequences would be unpredictable.

"Let me come, you lie on your stomach, I won't look around."

There were two blushes on Mu Wan's cheeks, she hesitated for a while and finally nodded, "Then I will trouble you."

Compared with life, it doesn't matter to be looked at. Some people can even sell their bodies and souls in order to live and survive. What is she afraid of?

Afterwards, Yue Ling Qianshang brought a basin of water, carefully cleaned her back and the wound, and then applied the medicine.

His eyes flickered, and he poured a little medicinal powder on it, of course, not the ones used in this world.

"What kind of medicine is this? It doesn't feel hot." How should I put it, she felt refreshed and refreshed.

(End of this chapter)

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