Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 329 The Spirit Pillar Is Broken

Chapter 329 The Spirit Pillar Is Broken
When she slowly exerted her spiritual power, the color of the spiritual pillar did not move at all. Jun Luoxi was stunned, Ganlu was stunned, and even the instructor who was testing had a bad complexion.

One of the reasons for this situation is either that the potential talent is too low to be tested, or it is an ordinary person with no spiritual power cultivation, referred to as trash!
"How could this be?" Gan Lu murmured, frowning deeply. She had seen Jun Luoxi before, and she wasn't the kind of person who didn't have strength and talent. Could it be that she didn't have potential and talent, but this was impossible.

Before the last word of the "next" mentor was spoken, Gan Lu shouted excitedly.

"Look! It's moving!" Ganlu breathed a sigh of relief, because the color of the spirit measuring pillar began to light up, red, as bright as fire, dazzlingly bright, followed by orange, which was also extremely bright.

Soon, soon, when you reach the yellow level, you will be qualified. Ganlu is silently looking forward to it, staring at the test spirit pillar without blinking.

Slowly, when Jun Luoxi tested the color of the spiritual pillar, he broke through the yellow level and began to approach green, but the speed was as slow as an ant, and the people behind couldn't wait.

Even the test instructors and newcomers of the teams next to them all looked sideways. In the past, they were very fast when testing potential talents, why is she so slow.

"No hurry, take your time." The instructor who tested Jun Luoxi comforted her with a troubled expression on her face. There is no need to rush this kind of thing. She will stop when it is time to stop.

However, the speed was still going up little by little—meaning to stop, but the speed was not fast. Seeing that the team next to her had already tested several times, she hadn't finished yet, and the newcomers behind her were depressed. The two stared at Jun Luoxi's back, as if trying to see through her.

Jun Luoxi, who is extremely depressed in her heart, is also in trouble. What does this mean? Does it mean that she needs to release all her spiritual power?Well, she didn't ask before whether to use all her spiritual power or just use it.

Now it seems that she has to use all her spiritual power to try. The light in her eyes sank slightly, and Jun Luoxi became cruel, and increased the output of spiritual power. Immediately afterwards, she found that her spiritual power was out of control, like It was sucked out by a suction force, and the brows frowned all of a sudden.

At the same time, the color of the spirit measuring pillar increased faster.

"Huh?" Gan Lu was surprised, because Jun Luoxi actually mapped the green level, and began to approach the cyan level, and the speed became faster and faster, breaking through the cyan level in a few breaths.

"Cyan!" The test instructor couldn't help but exclaimed. This voice caught the attention of the people around. When they looked over, they had already broken through the cyan color and were heading for the next color.

"My God, who is this woman? She has such a high potential and talent value, it's too scary, she's too cruel!" The people around started to discuss, and stopped the test, looking at this side.

Jun Luoxi wanted to withdraw his hand at this moment, but found that he had no choice but to watch the color of the test spirit pillar slowly change and climb up.

no!Her original intention was to keep a low profile. If her potential talent was found to be so high, there would definitely be problems!Not to mention that the Yueyu royal family will use various means to win her over, and other holy dynasties and forces will do the same.

Whether she agrees or not, there will be a series of troubles, uneven distribution of resources, only one result, no one can get it, and what awaits her is death!

stop!Must stop!Secretly biting the tip of her tongue, Jun Luoxi desperately pulled her spiritual power back, she almost used the strength of breastfeeding.

(End of this chapter)

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