Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 335 A Group of Troubled Teenagers

Chapter 335 A Group of Troubled Teenagers

In fact, if she has no other choice, she has already made such a plan. After all, if she wants to go to a higher school or something, it is really difficult to manage without a class. At worst, the two of them don’t need a tutor to teach, and there is probably no tutor who is willing to waste time teaching them both. indivual.

The old man narrowed his eyes, "The legendary repetition class."

"Repeat class, I've heard that it's a certain period of time, but the assessment fails, and you can't upgrade according to the regulations, and then form a repeat class, continue to study, and wait for the next assessment," Ganlu said immediately.

"No, the repeating class I'm talking about has two more ultimate repeating classes." The old man's eyes flickered, and he said slowly.

"Ultimate repetition class, I haven't heard of it." Gan Lu was very puzzled, but she had never heard of it.

Jun Luoxi immediately became curious, "Let's listen to the old man."

"The ultimate repetition class is also called the Wushu class, which means no learning and no skills. The disciples here are either rich or expensive, but their minds are useless in their studies. To be saved, there is no mentor willing to teach them, because they do not learn at all.

If the two of you go there, it will also meet your self-study requirements. They have tutors, and if you need it, you can ask the tutors, which is much better than groping for yourself. "

"No learning and no skill class, uh, what do you think of Luoxi?" Gan Lu looked at Jun Luoxi, it sounds so unreliable, there will be such a bunch of weirdos?
Not in a hurry to answer, Jun Luoxi was silent for a while, before he finished speaking, the old man continued.

"This class, they are all a group of little devils, domineering, old man, I am also afraid that you will be bullied if you go there, or else forget it?" As he said, the old man looked at Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu with begging eyes.

"Little devil, interesting?" What little devil, it sounds like a bunch of troubled teenagers. She has a lot of ways to deal with them. If it doesn't disturb her, it doesn't matter. If it disturbs her, it's not so easy to talk to.

Ganlu looked surprised, "Luoxi, don't you want to go?"

"Go, why don't you go?" Jun Luoxi grinned, the smile was very evil.

"Uh" Well, she couldn't find a reason.

"Don't we just want to get back the place? There are so many people in that class, and it's a good way to bring a group of little devils to bully them."

Gan Lu thought for a while, and her eyes lit up, "Yeah, why didn't I think of it, bullying is my favorite, I believe we will be able to integrate into Wushu class soon, hehe."

The old man has dark hair, why does he have a bad premonition, as if something bad will happen, these two little girls, maybe they are kind on the surface, but also like little devils in their hearts.

From the corner of the eye, Jun Luoxi caught a glimpse of the shocked look of the old man, and Jun Luoxi nudged Ganlu, who was smiling evilly, with his elbow, and the two of them went for a ride with cute expressions on their faces.

"Then may I ask, old gentleman, if we are going to Wushu class, should we also report to the department head?" Polite, the two of them spoke very politely and sincerely.

This made him feel in a trance that he was blind and misread just now.

"Well, if you don't like trouble, tell me your class and name, and I'll take care of it. I just happen to be going to the department head to deliver some books later." See through.

Although he was a little surprised in his heart, Jun Luoxi didn't think about anything, they were all like this, and there was nothing for the old man in front of him to plot, so he wrote down the names of the two of them and gave him, "Then trouble the old man."

"No trouble, I'm going to deliver the books now, you two show me these books that are drying, don't let the wind blow them away, the old man will come as soon as I go."

(End of this chapter)

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