Chapter 3424 She's Back
Do you know that celebrities are born for fans, once personal feelings have a home, there will be changes.

Losing fans is certain, but to what extent it will not be expected by everyone.

There was a star who was very popular before. After marrying his wife, many people left fans one after another. In just two years, his works have disappeared. He is still nominated by the actor.

Thinking of this, the manager couldn't help pleading: "It's okay to get married, but is it possible to have a hidden marriage? Let's go abroad and don't invite the media. We will keep it secret."

Many people in the entertainment industry are like this. Many children are old, but they are still single outside.

There are also some who don't announce their marriage until they have children, and have a baby overnight.

"No, I want to give Lulu the most memorable wedding. It is natural that someone wishes me the best. If they give up for this reason, then I don't care."

Xue Yunkuang's attitude is very firm, he will never wrong his beloved woman for some insignificant personnel.

Fans, he thanked them for liking his acting skills and works.

But he is not their exclusive item, why should he control his life.

If fans are like this, then he would rather not, anyway, it will be his wife, not them, who will spend the rest of his life with him.

The manager was speechless, "You two are so capricious, don't you two come to the entertainment industry?"

"Yes, we are here to fall in love, is there a problem?"

After getting this answer, the broker had nothing to say.

"When to announce, you decide." Since they have already decided, it can only be left to the two of them.

After all, they came to the company to develop, not because they signed a contract of selling their lives, and it is not appropriate to be too big in the sense of other stars, and they cannot be controlled.

"As soon as possible, the copywriting should be better."

You have to talk about it sooner or later, so why care about when it is, anyway, they have already set the date, and it will be one month later.

He didn't want everyone to say that Lulu got married because of her son, even if that was the case, no one was allowed to speculate and question her.

If you love her, protect her in your own way.

Soon, the news that the two announced their marriage was immediately known to everyone, and it happened that their film and television drama was launched and broadcast at this time.

The two couldn't hit each other, and the paparazzi never caught any contact. Everyone thought it was Pengci or something.

But when the marriage certificate of the two was published, the fans were silent.

It turned out to be true.

Many people said it was a hype and took the opportunity to become popular, while some people yelled and threatened to take off fans.

Regarding these, Xue Yunkuang and Gan Lu did not coax their fans, but just posted the same words on related social accounts.

"Finally you are here."

That's right, for Ganlu, the unrequited love for so many years finally paid off.

As for Xue Yunkuang, he also waited for the only best thing in his life.

In a simple sentence, there is no fancy rhetoric, no description of the relationship, but only the yearning for the future and the happiness at this time.

As for the official accounts of the companies they belong to, let alone, there is nothing other than reposting each other's film and television dramas and other endorsements.

Whether it is speculation or not, they will not defend it.

Anyway, it's right that they won't lose money. Their acting skills will be known when their works are broadcast.

While the boys and girls were heartbroken and chasing the drama with tears in their eyes, the matter in the mercenary world was completely resolved.

Jun Luoxi's shot shocked everyone greatly.

Although they were envious of everything in the Eastern Territory, those people were not stupid and dared to hit her with guns.

(End of this chapter)

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