Chapter 3461 Intercession
No, maybe it's too late to count the runs.

The elevator door closed, and the two of them sat in the elevator and kept going up.

In just a few minutes, it has arrived without any stop in the middle.

However, it was still more than 5 minutes, and the interview location was closed.

"Hello miss, the admission time is over, I'm sorry" the staff refused Mu Xiaoxiao to enter.

In no industry, punctuality is the basic principle. If you are late, don't blame others for refusing.

Mu Xiaoxiao immediately felt disappointed, her eyes turned red, she couldn't even win this opportunity even if she wanted to.

Now that I have it, but she misses it, why is she so stupid!So stupid.

Looking back, he didn't know how to face the teacher. He must have high expectations of himself, but he was destined to fail.

"What's the matter? The interview hasn't started yet, let her in. She went to the bathroom just now."

Feng Ling met at this time, and also explained the reason for her. People have three urgencies, so can't they be accommodated?
The staff looked embarrassed, "Sorry, this is a rule, and I can't violate it."

"Forget it, it's my bad luck, let's go back."

Mu Xiaoxiao lowered her head, not looking into Feng Ling's eyes, and walked towards the elevator in a daze.

Even so, he began to catch a glimpse of the redness in her eyes, as if it was a little rabbit, which was so cute
At this time, Feng Ling also saw a form on the table, and the information on it happened to be known to him.

At this time, a group of people came not far away, seeming to be heading towards the interview site.

His eyes flickered, "Wait here for a while, I'll ask for you." He said, and walked towards the group of people.

It's useless to ask anyone, after all, no one wants someone who is not punctual, even if this is not her intention.

At this time, Feng Ling had already walked in front of the group of people. Mu Xiaoxiao didn't hear what he said to these people, but vaguely saw a person.

The water is clear, it's him, the top designer, who personally led the interview this time?

Mu Xiaoxiao was shocked, but at the same time very annoyed and regretful. If she had known this, she would have come here to squat last night, and she would never go home to retreat to plan.

Yes, this time the exemption from the test is for the Shuiqing team to recruit fresh blood from the outside world, and the other party needs to design works based on the ideas given by them.

Use this to judge eligibility and give time.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that it was too noisy here, so she went to a quiet place in the neighboring city to create. Yesterday was the time when she was full of inspiration.

By the time the work was finished, it was already dawn, and she didn't have time to buy a ticket, so she drove here by herself, but she didn't know that there was something wrong with the car.

It's simply unlucky!
At this moment, Qing Shui came over and said to her and the staff member, "Go in quickly, it will start right away."

The staff looked towards Shui Qingqing and their direction, saw those people nodding, and immediately extended an invitation to Mu Xiaoxiao.

She has her job responsibilities, but now that the boss says it's ok, it's ok.

"Ah, thank you, thank you." Mu Xiaoxiao, who was so excited, didn't think too much about it.

The purpose of her coming here is to go in, otherwise she would have no chance to show her talents.

Because of this, she forgot that Shui Qingqing and the others are not an ordinary team, and if anyone can be lenient in a casual beg, they are not a top design team.

However, what Mu Xiaoxiao didn't expect was that Feng Ling knew Shui Qingqing.

If it was someone else, even if she pleaded in person, it might not be useful, Feng Ling opened a small back door for her.

(End of this chapter)

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