Chapter 3465
Back then, if it wasn't for those people's calculations, the original owner would not have died, and she would not have lost her innocence as soon as she arrived here.

Although she was very grateful for their calculations, otherwise she wouldn't be such a smart little bun.

Of course, this doesn't mean that she just swallowed her anger and went abroad, but she just came here for the first time, looking for a place to settle down.

Just then, her phone rang.

"Mumu, where are you? Why didn't I see you?"

Muyan raised her head and looked towards the door, with a smile on her lips, "I'm in your direction at eight o'clock, did you see that?"

Not far away, a girl hung up the phone and walked towards her quickly, and they hugged each other fiercely.

"Smelly Mumu, long time no see, do you miss me?" The girl hung on her body with a very happy expression.

Mu Yan raised her hand and raised her chin, "Xiaomei, I should ask you this question. Last time I said we would meet, but you let me go!"

Mu Xiaoxiao stuck out her tongue, "Hey, isn't this something temporary? You know, I'm always busy, but it's okay now. I asked the teacher for leave, hehe."

"Yes, yes, thank you Xiaomei for taking time out of her busy schedule to pick me up. This is a reward for you!"

Saying that, Muyan kissed her, her best friend, the closest and most trustworthy friend in this world.

Mu Xiaoxiao pretended to be disgusted, "Oh, don't say such misleading words, no matter how you please me, I won't like you."

"By the way, where is Xiao Chenchen?"

"Oh, he went to the bathroom." Muyan said indifferently, but suddenly, she realized something.

Looking up, the chair opposite was clean, and the small bag he was carrying was gone!
"What is this?" Mu Xiaoxiao picked up a note, twitched the corner of her mouth, and handed it to Muyan.

It said on the note that he went to find his father, and told her not to worry, he would go to her.

The veins on Muyan's forehead twitched, "You brat! How dare you play tricks on me, you've got it."

"He shouldn't have gone far, let's go find him, he's so small, it's dangerous to run away by himself." Mu Xiaoxiao's face was serious.

She and Muyan are good sisters, so they naturally know about her affairs, but she doesn't know who Xiaochen's father is.

"It's useless, this kid wants to hide, let him suffer a little bit."

She has a life-saving thing on the other party, if there is any danger, she can immediately sense where the other party is.

Isn't he looking for his father? If he has the ability, he will go, and don't let him suffer. He really thinks that people in this world are kind.

Mu Xiaoxiao disagreed, "Is this okay? He's just a child, only three years old!"

Even though he is smarter and more sensible than his peers, he is still a child.

"Don't worry, if I say it's fine, then it's fine, let's go." Mu Yan took Mu Xiaoxiao's hand to check out and leave.

It is impossible for the children she educates to have no safety awareness at all.

At that time, a certain naughty little guy had already left the airport.

Fearing that his mommy would come after him, he had already hailed a car.

"Master, go to xxxx hotel!"

The driver saw Mrs. Xiaozheng sitting in without an adult, and was about to say something when the other party handed over a banknote.

"Okay, you sit tight."

Business, that's all, he just needs to send customers to their destinations.

But whose child is this? It's too bold. Letting him outside alone at such a young age is too big for an adult.

In fact, the hotel Mu Xiaochen was going to was the one he got from Mu Xiaoxiao.

It seems that her mommy and cheap daddy met here, maybe they can find some clues here.

(End of this chapter)

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