Chapter 3478

Even with her power, she can only suppress the riotous aura. Fortunately, because he was born by Mu Yan, his physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Therefore, he can also resist, but unfortunately he can only act more sensitively than others, and his power must never be used.

Otherwise, the power that has been condensed with great difficulty will lose its balance, and even in normal times, the strange power in the body will riot.

Shui Qing took a deep look at him, "But in my opinion, it doesn't look like sleepwalking."

Which child sleepwalks like him, suffering, life is worse than death.

That's right, that's it. If a child of his age had a stomachache, he would have tossed and wailed and made a fuss.

But this kid is very patient, he doesn't say a word, and his endurance is extraordinary.

You know, this is Mingli, it's not a stomachache, his whole body hurts, as if someone is pinching him, it's completely different from hurting one part of the stomach.

Mu Xiaochen opened his innocent eyes, took a deep look at Jun Moyan, and immediately lowered his head.

"Uncle, are you despising me, right? Am I no longer wanted?"

The implication was that it was his reason that made him feel scared.

The strange power in his body cannot be seen by ordinary people, only feel cold, full of awe-inspiring aura.

When others saw him in such a situation, they all said that he was ominous, and he was followed by dirty things.

Even Mu Yan once sought out the so-called capable people in this world, but they couldn't solve it.

When the water was clear, I immediately felt distressed.

"No, that's not what I meant. I will help you find your parents. Before you get here, you can stay here with peace of mind. By the way, in your case, will there be a fixed time for onset?"

What Mu Xiaochen said made him misunderstand that his family didn't want him and discarded him.

"Uh, I can't tell you which ones are at the beginning of each month, and the specific day."

Anyway, there will be a riot, and her mother can't figure out the reason.

Jun Moyan nodded, "I see, you should eat quickly, and if you are bored, go find Xiao Feifei."

Hearing this, Mu Xiaochen's eyes lit up, "Well, thank you uncle, by the way, did my mommy look for me?"

He lived here with peace of mind, but if he didn't ask his family, he would be too heartless and would arouse suspicion.

Sure enough, I'm still homesick, it's only been a few days.

"Don't worry, I'll ask the police station later, let's eat."

On the other side, Muyan's side.

It was the beginning of the month, and she had been sensing Mu Xiaochen's situation all the time. If his aura started to riot, she would be able to sense it immediately.

However, just last night, I just sensed a little bit, and it disappeared.

This means that his violent power has been suppressed, and it will not be too painful.

However, she was still worried, but when she called Mu Xiaochen, the phone was turned off, and there was no way to locate him.

"What the hell is this bastard doing?" Mu Yan was worried.

If he pressed it down by himself, he might rebound, because his own strength is not much at all.

Mu Yan picked up the phone and asked people to keep an eye on Mu Xiaochen's whereabouts.

Although he is clever and capable, he is a child after all, and she is worried if he spends a long time outside alone.

"Ding dong."

At this time, her mobile phone message prompts that she has received an email.

The content of the email was sent by Mu Xiaochen, please don't worry, I'm staying at an uncle's house right now, it's very safe, as long as she comes to pick me up in two days.

Tell her not to worry about herself, and get busy with the Mu family's affairs first.

The messages revealed between the lines were so well-behaved and sensible, Mu Yan couldn't stop smiling when she read it.

(End of this chapter)

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