Chapter 348
The instructor was very embarrassed, but he was helpless and didn't say a word.

"It looks so fragrant, what's cooking in it?" Seeing a layer of oil floating in the pot, but the fragrance kept coming out, they were eager to try it, but they were too embarrassed to speak.

It was Jun Luoxi who handed them bowls and chopsticks containing rice, and they tried to eat.

"I come to the school three times a month, what did you do the rest of the time?" Jun Luoxi asked curiously.

The three of them paused for a while and said with a smile: "Play, eat, drink, sleep, and practice." Yes, they are so free.

Jun Luoxi had a black hair, and suddenly took the pot away, "Then go eat, drink and play, we have to study, if you don't eat enough, you won't have the strength."

Seeing this, the three of them were dumbfounded. They just ate two bites, and they were really reluctant, "Then what, can you let us eat two bites before leaving, we promise not to bully you two."

"That's not okay, I have a request." Jun Luoxi narrowed his eyes.

"What request?" The three of them looked at her in unison.

"We two sisters study alone in the school, it's boring, you three come too, I'll teach you how to make food" Remember, it's teaching, not cooking for them.

The three people's eyes lit up, "Really?" This thing is really delicious, if you can learn it, it's not a loss.


"We promise you" isn't it just to come to school, play anyway, anywhere, and then they bow down for a bite of delicious food.

The instructor was shocked, so easy to talk, shouldn't he also learn how to cook, and fool these little devils.

"Very good, a gentleman's words are hard to follow, I hope you keep your word, eat it" and then put the pot back.

And the next day, the three came on time, and brought along two people who were looking forward to it. At the end of the day, Jun Luoxi also taught them how to make hot pot according to what he said, and the kitchen became the second one. school.

"It's really delicious, but when will we learn the real skills?" After trying the taste of the things they made, the group of people began to look forward to it.

Jun Luoxi smiled kindly, "Take your time, practice makes perfect, if you can gather everyone in our class to study hard, I will teach you other delicacies and different flavors of hot pot."

"No problem!" In order to learn more, they tried their best, and began to coax and deceive their friends to come in, and after trying the delicious food one by one, they were unwilling to leave.

On this day, Gan Lu who was with Jun Luoxi couldn't help sighing, "Luoxi, I didn't believe it before, but now I think that food is also a skill to conquer people!"

"Really?" Jun Luoxi smiled, she couldn't deny it, just when they passed a corner, they met an acquaintance.


"Third Prince, what advice do you have?" Jun Luoxi looked at Yue Yuli Tian in front of him indifferently, really wondering what he was doing again, annoying.

Seeing Jun Luoxi's dissatisfied face, Yueyu Litian was not happy, but he did not forget the purpose of coming today, "I heard that you went to the ultimate class."

"Well, so what?"

"Luoxi, the ultimate class is a class with no future. I have already contacted you. If you don't like the original place, you can find a new class. They are very friendly. Don't stay in the ultimate class. You and I'll go to the head of the department," he said, and wanted to hold her hand.

Jun Luoxi hurriedly avoided, and said coldly: "Whether there is a future or not, you have nothing to say, not to mention, I am not interested in your arrangement, Lulu, let's go."

"Luoxi, don't be so brave, don't you think about yourself? What future can you have in that kind of place!"

(End of this chapter)

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