Chapter 3493 What is he?
In the car, Mu Xiaochen looked like he was too tired to fall asleep, but in fact, with half-closed eyes, he had already noticed Muyan's complicated and uncomfortable gaze.

Muyan thought she was covering it up very well, but children are the most sensitive, not to mention he is so smart.

His little hand was held by Muyan, although she didn't say anything, it was so gentle and her love was so obvious.

When she got home, she made Mu Xiaochen his favorite food, told her to handle the company's affairs by herself, and hid in the study.

"Hey, Xiaoxiao, are you free?"

Outside the door, Mu Xiaochen tiptoedly pushed it open when he heard the voice, he quickly came to the living room, and began to rummage through Muyan's bag.

He wanted to know what the result of this diagnosis was, what was wrong with his body, and why Mommy was so sad and guilty.

However, the bag was empty and the documents were taken away.

As smart as Mu Yan, he naturally understands his own son, and he is not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

She didn't want him to see it, so she put it away naturally. At this moment, she was holding the file bag and was on the phone with her best friend and best friend.

"Have you figured it out?" On the other end of the phone, Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was sobbing.

She didn't even need to look to know the other side, she must be crying, her feelings for Mu Xiaochen are still very deep.

Muyan nodded heavily, "Think about it, hang up, I'll go find Xiaochen."

She hung up the phone, but didn't leave immediately. She rubbed the center of her brows, her expression full of pain.

"What exactly should I do? Why is that power in Xiaochen's body?"

That's right, the power in Mu Xiaochen's body was backlashing, it was the kind of power that she didn't know what was going on out of balance.

She is unfamiliar with this power, and suppressing it before was only a temporary solution, not a root cause.

Now Mu Xiaochen's body is born with two kinds of power, which check and balance each other.

But it's not absolutely safe. Once the body as a container can't hold so many things, it will be on the verge of breaking. The first thing is to weaken the body, and finally lose its vitality completely.

"Forget it, just tell him" After that, she went to Mu Xiaochen's room.

"Mommy, you haven't rested yet." Sitting on the bed, Mu Xiaochen smiled cutely when he saw her coming.

Muyan hugged him in her arms, resting her chin on his little head.

"Baby, don't you want to know who your biological father is, Mommy will tell you today."

Mu Xiaochen's eyes widened suddenly, and he raised his head in disbelief, "Mummy, did I hear correctly?"

Why did I figure it out and tell him at this time, obviously I have asked countless times before.

"You have the right to know, how about it, have you considered it?" Mu Yan chuckled, as expected, he was still looking forward to his father's love.

Hey, but this is something I can't give.

"Mommy, I...I don't want to know anymore, I'll just have you." After thinking about it, Mu Xiaochen still gave up.

It's not easy for Mommy to raise him, there's no need to plead guilty to lifting his pants, oh no, a scumbag who doesn't remember people is much better.

Muyan's heart warmed up, "It's really mother's sweet baby!" She gave Mu Xiaochen a hard kiss on the face.

"This is your real daddy" Then, she turned on the phone, and there was a photo of a person on it.

Originally, Mu Xiaochen made up his mind not to watch it, expressing his firm stand.

But the instinct of the body still betrayed him, and his eyes moved slightly.


Mu Yan nodded, "His name is Shui Qingche, he looks very similar to you, right, but without Mommy, you wouldn't be so handsome."

Mu Xiaochen didn't hear what his mother said at the moment, his head was buzzing.

He knows this person, isn't he the kind uncle who helped him, it turned out to be him, he is his father?

(End of this chapter)

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