Chapter 352 Powerful Pot

When she said this, it seemed that she was so tolerant that she had no choice but to sneer at Jun Luoxi and could not do anything practical.

"This kind of proud woman may be taught a lesson if she offends someone one day, so don't be influenced by this kind of person," An Xi comforted with a smile.

Yueyu Jiaojiao nodded, "I hope, by the way, Qianqian, as for me, I understand your feelings, but my brother has been hit a lot during this period of time, I hope you can take care of what you can bear.

Originally, father was very dissatisfied when something like this happened in the palace. He almost couldn't continue to study here. It was only when I mentioned you that he was motivated. "

It seems that the ability to lie is exclusive to the two brothers and sisters, who tell lies without blushing.

When An Xi heard this, she became even more shy, "We are friends, so we will naturally understand, let's not talk about it, I can read books." She said and returned to her seat, pretending to be serious.

After shopping around outside and buying a lot of snacks, Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu went back to the dormitory where they lived, a separate small courtyard.

"Delicious, delicious! Luo Xi, do you want it?" Gan Lu, who was eating by the window, ate, not forgetting to share it with her.

Jun Luoxi, who lowered his head and didn't know what he was doing, said without turning his head: "No need, you eat by yourself."

After a while, Ganlu who felt bored came over, "Are you writing a letter, who do you want to send it to?" Seeing the small paintbrush in Jun Luoxi's hand, she began to gossip.


"What is that, drawing?" Ganlu stared at the incomprehensible thing on the paper, very surprised, "What are you drawing? It's strange."

"Powerful Pot" Jun Luoxi drew a picture, stopped again, and then continued, intermittently, as if thinking about its appearance and structure.

"Our cooking pot is quite big, so we can build it if we don't need it?" Gan Lu was very suspicious. Although he knew that Jun Luoxi's skill was cooking food, he didn't need to make a special pot.

Jun Luoxi chuckled, "You don't understand now, but you will know later." After speaking, he continued to outline seriously.

Ganlu raised her eyebrows, not wanting to disturb her, then stopped talking and went to read.

Time flies like this, three days have passed, there are only more than 20 people in the ultimate class, and they want to learn Jun Luoxi's recipes, so come to learn, others, even these people can't be found.

On this day, on a whim, Jun Luoxi pulled up Gan and went out to go shopping.

"If you don't go out again, I'm going to be moldy. Where are we going?" Ganlu became excited as soon as she walked out of the academy, like a fish entering the sea.

Jun Luoxi smiled mysteriously, "You will know when you arrive."

When she arrived at the location, she had black lines on her hair, "What are we doing here?" Looking at the tinkling and hot air around her, she couldn't understand.

"It's quite hot inside, just wait for me here." Jun Luoxi took a blueprint and started walking towards the bosses. That's right, this is a street, a place dedicated to making hidden weapons.

"No, let's go together." She can still bear the heat. The most important thing is to see what kind of weapon Jun Luoxi is going to build. According to what she saw, the red long sword in her hand is unusual.

"Boss, I want to make this one, can you do it here?" Jun Luoxi said, showing his blueprint, the blacksmith looked at it, shook his head, and walked to several shops, but no one was willing to take it.

"Then may I ask, is there anyone here who can make this kind of thing?" Jun Luoxi walked towards a seemingly dilapidated blacksmith shop, and handed the man five purple gold coins.

The other party hesitated to take it, and whispered: "I'm not sure, but if you walk to the end of this street, there is a half-blind old man, maybe he can try."

(End of this chapter)

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