Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 354 Only Charge Your Cost Price

Chapter 354 Only Charge Your Cost Price
The old man took a deep look at Jun Luoxi and continued, "Then what did you use for making this?" He was really curious, because if it was successful, it would be very creative.

But he has been making all kinds of strange things for so long, but he can't see the function of this strange thing.

Hearing this, Jun Luoxi hesitated, "Can I choose to keep it a secret?" This is just her experiment, and whether it is successful or not will not be known until this powerful pot is made.

"No, I need to know what you're going to use it for, otherwise I won't make it, because I'm not completely sure!" The old man brushed aside the messy hair on his face, and said very seriously.

Now it's Jun Luoxi's turn to get tangled up, she pursed her lips and said, "To be honest, this is called a powerful pot, and I'm going to use this to refine elixir, which can save firepower and spiritual power."

The working principle of the powerful cooker is the same as that of the pressure cooker. First of all, the airtightness is relatively good, and the water vapor inside is not easy to evaporate. In the process of refining medicine, the properties of the medicine are easy to volatilize or be consumed by the firepower during refining.

So she wants to try something new, change the traditional method of refining medicine, in order to maintain its medicinal properties, even if the output is a little lower, it doesn't matter, it is a powerful pot, it is better to say it is an alternative medicine cauldron.

"Refining medicine, this thing can be used to refine medicine, Luoxi, why don't you buy a medicine refining cauldron?" Before the old man could speak, Ganlu exclaimed first.

"This is my test product. I will also try the medicine cauldron. Let's take the advantages of the two." Jun Luoxi told the truth that refining medicine requires beast fire or fire crystals, just like the gas and coal burning in that world. , it is not very convenient.

"Refining medicine, refining medicine, looking at it this way, there is indeed a possibility." The old man took the blueprint and studied it again carefully. He thought about it, but secretly sighed in his heart that Jun Luoxi had such a bold idea, and such an idea. creativity.

As soon as this remark came out, Jun Luoxi was excited, "I heard what you mean, senior, can it be made according to what I said?"

The old man raised his eyes and glanced at her, "It looks feasible, it depends on the operation, this thing is interesting, I will do my best, how about it, you give me two months, and I promise to make a restoration for you." The most powerful pot."

Jun Luoxi breathed a sigh of relief, "Two months is two months, senior, you just use the best materials, the price is not a problem, I'll give you a deposit now, you see how much you need."

Generally, those who come to make weapons will negotiate the price first, because they are afraid that the other party will sit on the ground and raise the price.

Seeing Jun Luoxi being so straightforward, the old man showed a smile on his face, "The price is easy to negotiate, I only need the cost price, but you need to do something for me."

"What's the matter?" Jun Luoxi looked at him immediately after hearing this.

"It's not too difficult. My forging furnace has a problem recently. Please help me see if I can improve it." The old man said, put away the blueprint, and pointed to a dark place behind him.

"Improve? Me?" Jun Luoxi said in surprise, but the old man didn't say a word, and was already walking towards his forging furnace. They have a forging furnace that is very similar to refining medicine.

It's just that the forging furnace is relatively large, and it can rarely be retracted at will like the medicine cauldron. Even if it is to be taken away, the ring needs to have enough space.

"Let's take a look." The old man looked at Jun Luoxi. This little girl is smart and intelligent. Since she can draw such light and creative things, she must be able to see the problem here.

There was no other way, Jun Luoxi had no choice but to look around the forging furnace, carefully, and after two sticks of incense, she stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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