Chapter 361 Feathered Serpent
He didn't question why Jun Luoxi asked her to make a contract, but just expressed his doubts. It seems that Ganlu sincerely regards the other party as a friend. If it were someone else, he would have been angry if he was asked to make a contract with the dead egg .

"It's not a dead egg, because the egg was born prematurely, it couldn't hatch and was sent back, but the little guy inside is unusual." But she still couldn't tell what the little guy was inside.

Some Warcraft eggs, because the parents are a combination of different breeds, so it will look the same in the early stage, but in the later stage, when the strength is improved, it will show the strongest side of the parent's blood.

Because everyone often likes this kind of Warcraft, but not everyone is so lucky that they can have it if they want it.

Gan Lu blinked her eyes, very surprised, "Can the monster survive if the hatching fails?" She was very skeptical, because the premise of buying the hatch of the monster was to make a contract with it, and then use her own strength to raise it.

And if the contract is terminated midway, because the unhatched monster is too fragile to withstand the force of backlash after the contract is terminated, it will often die inside the egg and become a dead egg.

Moreover, the hatching time limit of Warcraft is limited, beyond that family cannot be hatched, and will never see this world again.

"This egg is alive. The little guy is trying his best to absorb the strength of the eggshell, but it is already at the end of its strength. If no one contracts it to help it hatch, it will not survive," Jun Luoxi said lightly.

Gan Lu paused, picked up the egg, "What a strong little guy, let me help you" said, biting his finger and dripping blood on it, for a moment, the blood was not absorbed, and a faint glow came from the eggshell. of light.

Gradually, the eggshell began to crack, although it was very small, but it did break, as if telling Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu that it was not a dead egg, it was still alive.

Inexplicably, the two were vaguely moved, what a tenacious little guy.

"Hey, don't worry." Ganlu smiled all of a sudden, and directly poured her spiritual power into the monster egg, while the other party was like a fish that had seen nectar for a long time, drinking water desperately.

"Lulu, take your time." Jun Luoxi saw that the magic beast egg was absorbing spiritual power crazily, and began to dissuade Ganlu, but don't absorb too much, it will not be worth the loss if it becomes a seedling.

However, after her words fell, the eggshell shattered to the ground. The eggshell was already a thin layer, comparable to the eggshell. You know, the eggshell of the monster egg is quite stiff. It's not that easy to break.

Now that it has become so thin, it must be the little thing inside, which uses the power of the eggshell to continue its vitality and reach its limit.

"Come out, come out!" There was still a small half of the eggshell left, but there was no trace of the monster, Ganlu began to call gently.

Jun Luoxi rolled his eyes and took out a piece of snack, "You're hungry, come out and have something to eat."

Xu didn't feel any danger. The little guy slowly stuck out his head. The little head was only the size of a thumb. It was very strange. It looked like a snake's mouth, but it was slightly pointed like a bird.

"Come on." Ganlu stretched out her hands and looked at the little guy with a smile. Finally, it rubbed her hand affectionately, swam out of the eggshell, and then ate the snack that Jun Luoxi handed over. Blinking her eyes contentedly, she began to look at the world.

"It's strange, what is this little guy, why have I never seen it before, and what is this, with tentacles growing on it? Or is it an immature bird?"

Looking at the small thing that was no bigger than a small bowl in the palm of her hand, Gan Lu was very curious and surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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