Chapter 364

Seeing the terrified appearance of the Feathered Snake, Jun Luoxi was thoughtful, and then put away the monster egg, and then it became calm, but looking at Jun Luoxi, it was full of fear.

To be precise, it was the Warcraft Egg that was afraid of her.

What the hell is this broken stone egg in her house that can make feathered snakes so afraid? It has such a strong deterrent effect just as an egg.

"Are you full? Go back to rest when you're full, and tell me when you want to come out to play." Seeing that the Feathered Snake still looked terrified, Gan Lu had no choice but to send it back to the World of Warcraft space.

"I'm sorry, this little guy might be a little grumpy" No way, Jun Luoxi had no choice but to say this.

Gan Lu smiled, "It's nothing, I won't be able to do it after frequent contact. Oh, by the way, Luoxi, if Anxi and the others know that the quality of the monster eggs we bought cheap is actually better than theirs, they will definitely be pissed off."

For ten monster eggs, if they really wanted to buy feathered snake eggs, it would be less than one-tenth of the price at most, or even worse.

Jun Luoxi grinned: "Don't worry now, if you have a chance to show up in the future, you will blind their dog's eyes!" People, don't be too complacent, or you will be easily slapped in the face and hurt too much.

"Yes, yes, I'm looking forward to it." Ganlu smiled happily, making them look down on Jun Luoxi, and there will be no chance to curry favor in the future.

The two of them didn't care what An Qian and Zhao Lin would think of to deal with them after they left the Beast Taming Pavilion. As usual, they should study and read books.

On this day, when night fell and the academy was extremely quiet, Jun Luoxi was sleepless and didn’t want to practice, so she was going to stroll around the academy at night. When she walked to a quiet and spacious forest, she practiced Li Qianjuejiao own swordsmanship.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps in my ears, thinking it was the elders of the college patrolling and maintaining safety, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Jun Luoxi held back his breath and hid.

"Well..." At this time, a staggering figure broke into her sight. The other person seemed to be drunk, and his steps were difficult. He was walking forward step by step, and finally leaned on a tree, panting heavily.

Jun Luoxi didn't pay attention at first, but she felt a familiar chill hit her.
Thinking, she looked at the way the man walked, and found that there was a thin layer of frost on the ground, which looked particularly bright under the moonlight, and the man's wrist and body were covered with a cold white mist.

"Cold poison?" This symptom is clearly a manifestation of cold poison. Who is the other party?

Her voice was inaudible, but the other party attacked her without even thinking about it, "Who's there!"

The other party spoke and raised his head. Under the dim light, Jun Luoxi could clearly see who was coming.

"You are. Pei Leng?" Jun Luoxi said, stood up, and glanced at a icicle beside him from the corner of the eye. The spiritual attack from the other party was actually an icicle, which is interesting.

When Pei Leng heard his name called out by the other party, he was slightly puzzled. After seeing clearly that it was Jun Luoxi, he was stunned for a moment, "Jun Luoxi" that strange woman who had a relationship with him once.

Jun Luoxi smiled, "It's rare that you still remember my name." It's been half a month since I went to the final class, and the two of them have never seen each other again.

"I..." Pei Leng, who was about to say something, felt his eyes go dark, and his body went limp and he fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Jun Luoxi walked over quickly, squatted beside him, and pushed him, "Hey, where is your dormitory? I'll take you back." It's very dangerous outside.

(End of this chapter)

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