Chapter 368 Trash Class
"It's just about strength, who made her look down on us?" Ganlu curled her lips dissatisfied, she looked down on people with dog eyes, she would let the other party know how good she is, so what about the ultimate class, she still has strength and talent.

Jun Luoxi frowned, "Don't be impulsive, this may be the other party's conspiracy." Seeing that An Qian and Zhao Lin looked confident, they must have come prepared.

"I don't care about the conspiracy or not. I know they are here to settle accounts, so I should call back!" Otherwise, it seemed that she was afraid of the other party.

Zhao Lin is one year older than her, and she has been taught by a special teacher, but she is not bad. In addition to her experience, she often fights against her father when she is at home, so she is confident.

What's more, she had no choice but to accept Zhao Lin's challenge. One Moon City and one Shou Xing City, the little concubine provoked her, the eldest lady, to not challenge, and the reputation of Moon City was not good for them.

Therefore, this battle is not only because of the grievances between the two, but at a deeper level, it will affect the influence of the two cities, and the strong will be respected, not to mention that she is the only child of the Gan family in Wangyue City.

"Lulu" Jun Luoxi struggled, and she didn't object or stop her. She had already considered the consequences of the two of them fighting, and there was no point in persuading her. This Anxi is insidious enough.

"Don't worry, trust me." Ganlu smiled, trusting her, just like she believed in her.

Seeing this, Jun Luoxi nodded and looked at Zhao Lin and the two, "When will the competition be?" Since it was the opponent's challenge, a time must be agreed upon.

Zhao Lin smiled triumphantly, "Time, three to five days is fine. Since you two are disciples of the ultimate class, I can give you ten days to break through and hold your feet temporarily."

"No need!" Ganlu coldly refused.

"Really not, I see that you are the ultimate class, and other classes, I will not give in so kindly." Zhao Lin said that you don't appreciate it, wasting my kindness.

"No need, the time is set in five days!" Jun Luoxi said without a doubt, very coldly, that he can take a good rest and prepare for the five days of dry dew.

"Yes, we'll compete in five days," Gan Lu added. In fact, she still wants to talk about three days, but it's good to prepare for two more days. Just five days, let the other party worry.

An Xi hooked her lips gracefully, "Then, it's decided like this, everyone present can help to be a witness." It means that they are afraid that Gan Lu Jun Luoxi and the others will play tricks.

"Haha, of course, of course, it's interesting that the disciples of the ultimate class are taking part in the challenge." The people around you talked to each other, and they had already begun to conclude that the losers would be Ganlu and them.

Moreover, he began to say a lot of bad things about the ultimate class, without exception, they were all words of contempt.

"The waste class is nothing more than that, it's a shame to come out!" In the crowd, someone suddenly taunted, his voice was not low, and all of it fell into the ears of Jun Luoxi and Ganlu.

Hearing this, the two were immediately annoyed, and Jun Luoxi was the first to speak, "Who are you talking about?"

"It's you guys who are talking nonsense!" The other party opened the mouth without thinking, and at the same time, the crowd made way. The other party was a man, and after realizing it, his face turned green with anger.

"Oh yes, the trash said us, okay, I got it." Jun Luoxi chuckled, looked away, and pulled Ganlu to leave. It's up to them whether they are trash or not.

At least in this academy, no one dared to say that the disciples of the ultimate class were useless, at most they said that they did not want to make progress. After all, the other party was able to cultivate, but they just refused to obey the discipline.

(End of this chapter)

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