Chapter 370
Many people will know about the challenge book in public, and some people will even bet on it and come to a business.

"Isn't Jun Luoxi useless and can't cultivate? Are the rumors wrong?" Zhao Lin looked at the direction the two left in doubt, and murmured. She had asked about Jun Luoxi before and knew about her past.

An Xi narrowed her eyes, "So what if she can practice, how strong is she like that?" She saw the opponent's attack, but in fact it was not very good, and she was indeed a waste before, unable to cultivate at all.

This point, the Yueyu royal family will not be wrong. As for her becoming able now, it must be some kind of method used by the Jun family. After all, it is not impossible for someone who cannot cultivate to cultivate, but it is more difficult. Well, nothing is absolute.

"That's right, Sister Qianqian, just wait, I will definitely use Ganlu to humiliate them both severely!" Zhao Lin lowered her voice.

An Qian pursed her lips and smiled, turned around and left here, her light voice fell into Zhao Lin's ears, "Just don't let me down."

Gan Lu wanted to discuss this matter with Zhao Lin, and it spread quickly, and some people who cared began to pay attention. Of course, it was only limited to the newcomers of this year. They would not pay attention to these things in the past, because such things often happen. occur.

"I heard that you guys are going to duel with others, is it true?" In the ultimate class, before the instructor came, many people surrounded Jun Luoxi and Ganlu, asking very curiously.

Gan Lu patted her chest and said, "To be precise, I want to fight someone."

"Can you?" The tone was very skeptical. Of course, this group of people knew the origin of Ganlu, but when they came to this ultimate class, everyone thought she must be the young lady who came to play, the kind who didn't do business.

"Of course, I will do my best!" Zhao Lin is not an ordinary disciple, and their previous sparring will be extraordinary in the eyes of others, so she will take it seriously.

The others looked at each other without any hope at all, but they didn't say any discouraged words, "Then you must be very careful when the time comes." This kind of intentional provocation by others is most likely a trick.

Soon, the instructor came to the classroom to continue teaching, and everyone was still listening bored. Perhaps there were more people, and the instructor was full of motivation when he talked about knowledge. Unfortunately, I don’t know if they listened.

The time flashed to the fifth day, which happened to be the rest time. Early in the morning, Gan Lu and Jun Luoxi had a leisurely breakfast before heading towards the competition ring.

It is said that it is a competition arena, but it is just a relatively spacious venue. There are many people waiting there.

From a distance, Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu saw Zhao Lin who had been standing there a long time ago. Today, she was dressed in clean and neat clothes, obviously, she came here with the attitude of winning.

"Yo, I thought you guys were scared and stopped coming," Zhao Lin sneered coldly.

Gan Lu narrowed her eyes, and walked towards her calmly, "Of course the important person will appear last, don't you understand this truth?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's watch the trick." Seeing Ganlu walking into the ring, Ganlu couldn't wait to make a move towards her, his movements were quick, sensitive and ruthless.

Ganlu quickly dodges, but the corner of her skirt is still cut off by her long sword. Is she being tricked badly?

However, there is no rule that says that they cannot take the lead. After all, when the two sides stand in the middle of the ring, the battle has already begun. No matter who wants to make a move, it is normal.

(End of this chapter)

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