Chapter 374 I Fight For Her
Jun Luoxi ignored Zhao Lin who was jumping around, staring at An Qian, waiting for her answer.

"Miss Jun, I advise you to think it over before making a decision." An Xi said coldly, although she couldn't wait to agree in her heart and make Jun Luoxi look good when the time came, she still acted like she was giving her a chance.

"I thought it through very clearly!" It was because I thought it through clearly that I opened my mouth. The reason why Zhao Lin made a war post against them was probably Anxi's obstruction.

The other party was unhappy with her, and it just so happened that she also felt unhappy with the other party. She didn't show them any color, and thought that she, Jun Luoxi, was easy to bully, and anyone could step on her.

Zhao Lin's challenge to Ganlu seems to be a grievance between the two, a small contest between the two cities, but now she is so calculating Ganlu in front of her, it is clear that Ganlu has increased her hatred for her, Then she vented her anger.

"Sister Luoxi, Senior Sister An is doing it for your own good. I advise you to get rid of this idea as soon as possible." Jun Luotian, who had been quiet all this time, spoke, looking very considerate of Jun Luoxi.

Jun Luoxi gave her a cold glance, "This is my own business, so I don't need to bother you." She would reward her so kindly, and it would be hard not to do it without embellishment.

"Since little sister Luoxi said that, I'm the eldest sister who never said that." Jun Luotian spread his hands helplessly, as if telling everyone that it wasn't that she refused to persuade her as a relative, but that the other party was too stubborn and left herself at once. Be clean.

An Qian took a deep look at Jun Luoxi, "I am a person who does not easily accept challenges from others." The implication is that a challenge requires a suitable bargaining chip.

"Don't compare with her." At this time, a cold voice sounded, and everyone looked sideways. Is this the nosy person who came out to find a sense of existence?Looking at the person who came, everyone was a little puzzled.

On the other hand, Anxi, at this moment, her eyes flickered slightly in amazement. Is there such a cold and handsome man in the college? Who is he?He actually helped this ugly monster, Jun Luoxi, to speak.

"Why are you here?" Looking at Pei Leng, Jun Luoxi was a little surprised and said, except in the school of the ultimate class, he had never met him in other places, except the last time when he was poisoned.

Pei Leng stopped in his tracks. At this time, several people walked quickly behind him, supporting Gan Lu together, "Are you okay?" Then he began to give her the elixir to restore her strength.

"They said don't try to be brave, why are you doing this?" They thought it was a loss at most, but they didn't expect that they came here when they heard that there was almost a death here.

"I'll fight with you." Pei Leng didn't answer Jun Luoxi, but looked at An Qian and said, as if he repaid Jun Luoxi's favor for helping relieve the poisonous hair last time.

After reacting, Jun Luoxi immediately refused, "No, I decide my own affairs, I will come! Sister An, why are you still hesitating?" Jun Luoxi smiled.

"That's right, I can't accept the challenge of two people by myself, first come first, first come first." As he said, his eyes fell on Pei Leng, "As for you? Who are you?" Why didn't she know that there was such a number one person in the academy.

Taking an unfocused glance at An Qian, Pei Leng said slowly, "My name is Pei Leng, and I will fight for her!"

"I said no!" Jun Luoxi said helplessly, if she hadn't known Pei Leng's upright character, she would have been angry, and it wasn't her who made decisions for her without authorization.

"Oh, Miss Jun is really lucky, someone is willing to fight for you!" Yue Yu Litian mocked, with a sneer on his face, but he didn't know that he was mad with jealousy.

Since when did she become so popular? It's Pei Leng's fault. Compared with him, he seems to be inferior.

(End of this chapter)

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