Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 380 Want to learn, I will teach you

Chapter 380 Want to learn, I will teach you
Xue frivolously listened, but didn't get angry, "Despicable? Learn a little bit, this is called a soldier who never tires of cheating! Do you understand, little thing."

"I'm not a little thing, I have a name!" Who would give her a messy name, Jun Luoxi rolled his eyes while talking.

"I know, Jun Luoxi, the guy who became a blockbuster when he was testing his potential talent but pretended to be an ordinary person." Xue frivolously said calmly, didn't he know, he knew the name like a thunder, okay?

I didn't stay in the normal class, but went to the ultimate class, but I was not kicked out by them. On the contrary, I got along with many disciples, set up a challenge with them a few days ago, and did not hesitate to use their future as a bet.

I have to say, this little girl is really bold enough.

After Xue Xue's frivolous words were finished, Jun Luoxi was taken aback for a moment, and then his face became innocent, "I don't understand what you are talking about, if you want to kill, kill me, if you don't kill me, let me go!"

This person is really angry, but what is the meaning of trapping her here!
"You understand, little girl, don't pretend, I've seen through you, you can hide from those strong men in the academy, but you can't hide from me, the seal in your body is similar to my formation principle."

It's all trapped, and it can be regarded as the same goal by different routes. When fighting her, he has already seen it during the contact, but he didn't expect such a deep and complicated seal to be hidden on a little girl.

"You?" Jun Luoxi was stunned. Apart from Li Qianjue, this was the second person who saw that he was hiding a seal. Who was he?
"who are you?"

Xue Qingkuang pointed to himself, "Me, listen up, my name is Xue Qingkuang!"

"Oh, I haven't heard of it!" Jun Luoxi told the truth that she didn't care about the gossip in the college, not to mention that she had only been here not long ago, and she was too busy reading books to learn knowledge, so she really didn't have the time and energy to gossip about these things. .

As soon as these words came out, Xue Qingkuang, who was standing there, staggered for a while, and looked at Jun Luoxi suspiciously, "This joke is not funny..." This little girl doesn't know his name Xue Qingkuang?This, this is depressed.

"Who has the leisure to joke with you, I'm serious." She really didn't know who Xue Qingkuang was.

In the end, Xue was frivolous and had no choice but to admit, "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't know, you can go." His heart was hurt and he needed to be alone for a while. This little girl gave her a chance. Unexpectedly, it was this side effect.

Just when Jun Luoxi was very suspicious that Xue Qingkuang would be so kind, he felt his whole body relax, and the Scarlet Blood Sword returned to his hand, and the tree-lined path appeared next to her.

"Why don't you go?" Looking at Jun Luoxi who was hesitating aside, Xue raised her eyebrows frivolously.

Jun Luoxi paused, "Senior, you know my seal, there must be a solution, right?" Li Qianjue said, this seal is very powerful, it is not so easy to untie, it can only rely on her strength To break free, or the way to get rid of this seal, is naturally the solution.

But this seal has basically been lost, even he has never seen it, and does not know how to solve it.

"Knowing doesn't mean knowing how to undo it. The person who set the seal is too powerful! This seal is also very powerful." Xue frivolously made a pun, and indirectly admitted that there was nothing she could do.

Hearing this, Jun Luoxi was slightly disappointed, "Didn't senior say that formations are the same as seals?"

"Chicken and beef are also meat, but can they be the same?" Xue frivolously said, and then continued, "Your seal has been released, and the rest is a matter of time and strength. Practice hard."

It's the same as what Li Qianjue said, yes, if it was so easy to unravel, she wouldn't have to bear the name of trash for so many years.

(End of this chapter)

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