Chapter 394

"Smelly girl, you forgot again, do you want to call me master?" Xue frivolously had black hair, and was about to give Jun Luoxi a slap when she said that, but she left in a flash.

Jun Luoxi raised her eyebrows, "I haven't forgotten, I just saw you want to take the wrong medicine, just to stimulate you."

It's exciting, seeing him look like he's taken the wrong medicine, shouldn't he be rescued, it's exciting.

"You still want to be a teacher, you villain!" Xue Qingkuang hated iron and steel, with a heartbroken look, her acting skills are so real, she is almost ready to win the best actor award.

"Then do you want to drive me out of the teacher's school?" Jun Luoxi smiled evilly, looking like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

In the end, Xue Qingkuang was defeated, "Well, let's not talk about this, you have learned very well, continue to practice, formation, not too much spiritual energy can be injected to achieve the maximum effect, you must know how to use the four sides."

"Use the surrounding area?" Jun Luoxi looked at a loss, how to use it sounds a bit incomprehensible and too general.

Xue frivolously waved her hand, and suddenly a limp sheet appeared on the ground. He went up, took out a jug of wine, and took a sip, "Well, you can see for yourself," he said, motioning her to look.

"Look?" After she looked around, there was nothing in the surrounding area, only the rabbit, grazing comfortably, jumping around, was extremely lively.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in her head, and she patted herself on the head. It was this, why didn't she think of it.

"It seems that you are not stupid, but you just don't talk about it as a teacher, and go to study on your own!" Snow yawned frivolously, grabbed a handful of crispy peanuts that went with wine from nowhere, and ate them comfortably.

Hearing this, Jun Luoxi had black lines all over his head, "Old fox, is there someone like you who teaches apprentices like this? You are not responsible at all!" Others said that he should be the shopkeeper of hands-offs, but he would be fine as a master of hands-offs.

"As the saying goes, the master leads the door, and the understanding of cultivation depends on the individual. How can you blame the teacher? You are innocent for the teacher." Xue frivolously ate, and did not forget to throw a few to the little rabbit, feeling very comfortable.

"Okay, this is what you said, you can learn it by yourself." Jun Luoxi said, turning his back on his back, and began to recall the things recorded in the book, as well as the formation just now, and comprehend little by little.

An hour passed, after drinking the wine, Xue Qingkuang yawned, ready to see how his apprentice was doing, but when he turned around, he found that he couldn't move.

"Damn girl, how dare you treat yourself like this as a teacher!" Xue frivolously widened her eyes and stared at Jun Luoxi with her eyes. This stinky girl actually used him as an experiment, and as he struggled, the formation broke through by itself.

It's not that easy to use his things to trick him.

As he said that, he raised his long sword and slashed at Jun Luoxi. This little girl, if she doesn't teach her a lesson, she doesn't know what it means to respect a teacher.

"Master, a gift for you!" Jun Luoxi ran, avoiding Xue's frivolous attack, picked up the rabbit on the ground and threw it at him, along with a box.

And Xue Qingkuang had to stop, holding the rabbit with one hand and the box with the other, "Be gentle, I want to fatten up and eat it for the teacher." He touched the little rabbit's head, and he put the little rabbit down.

"What is this dark thing?" Xue frivolously opened it, thinking it was good wine, but unexpectedly there was a handful of weird things in the box, so he immediately took it out, very puzzled.

"Teacher gift" Jun Luoxi said with a smile, good wine, she can find it, but it will be gone after drinking it, it's meaningless, why not give this.

Xue frivolously glanced at the thing in his hand repeatedly, but he couldn't see what it was used for, but it was almost as heavy as a sword, but lighter than a long sword.

(End of this chapter)

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