Chapter 607
The monster was quite speechless, but it didn't say anything. It couldn't understand its master's one-sided thoughts.

"Hmph! I still want to get rid of this young master, but there is no way. I just want to leave after teasing my young master, how can it be so cheap!" Jin Yi continued to bandage his own wounds, muttering.

Jun Luoxi, who threw off the brocade clothes, looked back from time to time, afraid that this guy would catch up. After walking for a while, he found no one, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

She wiped the sweat off her forehead and exhaled, "My darling, this is the first time I have met such a difficult person. It's enough!" As someone said, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds, but The more people you meet, the more normal it is to encounter strange things.

"If he dares to appear in front of me again, he must be beaten until he doesn't even know his parents!" It was really too irritating and speechless, challenging her patience and bottom line every time.

She just wanted to know what kind of environment raised such a strange creature, it was really unbearable.

After walking for a long distance, Jun Luoxi felt very tired. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, she found a place, set up a tent, lit a fire and made food. To herself, she never let herself be wronged.

After boiling a pot of thick soup in a pot and adding some vegetables, she took out the steamed buns, which looked simple but were actually delicious.

Suddenly, the movement next to her made her alert. She took out the gun and pointed it in the direction of the sound, and pulled the trigger. There was a "bang", and a person rolled out in the direction the gun shot past.

"I'm going, can you not use this thing, so that people can dodge in no hurry?" A familiar voice sounded, and the corner of Jun Luoxi's mouth couldn't help twitching, hell, didn't she already get rid of this guy?

"What are you following me for?" That's right, it was Jin Yi, who bandaged the wound and changed into clean clothes. Except for a little pale face, he was still the same him, with a bright smile on his face.

Looking at this bright face, Jun Luoxi really wanted to throw two fists up.

Jin Yi grinned, "This question, how about I tell you after you finish answering my question?"

Jun Luoxi glanced at him and looked back, drinking the soup in the bowl, eating the steamed buns, without saying a word, the meaning was obvious, my sister is not interested in your question, and I don't want to ask it anymore.

Comprehending this meaning, the corners of Jin Yi's mouth twitched again, this woman has personality!
Jin Yi's eyes fell on the dark little thing beside Jun Luoxi, and his eyes deepened. It was this little thing that attacked people extremely fast, almost two or three times faster than bows and arrows.

"What are you looking at, do you want to try it?" Jun Luoxi raised his eyebrows, and hid the gun to his side. Most people would be interested in it when they see it, let alone Jinyi is a boy.

Jin Yi nodded, then shook his head violently, "No, if I'm not mistaken, this should be a mechanism, a small mechanism."

"Nonsense, is it still a big one?" A bastard with a pit in his head and a lack of heart!This is Jun Luoxi's evaluation of him.

"You belong to the Gongshu family, right?" Jin Yi said lightly, staring at Jun Luoxi's face without blinking, for fear of missing a trace of the strange expression on her face.

Jun Luoxi paused, "Gongshu family, I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it, I don't know it, and I'm not from the Gongshu family."

Could it be that the Gongshu family is a special family that is very good at making mechanisms, as mentioned by their masters?It's a pity, I heard that the family retired and disappeared for a long time.

People in the world can't find it if they want to look for it. What they can still find now are some people who have learned the superficial skills of Gongshu's family mechanism.

(End of this chapter)

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