Chapter 612

Before Jingjing finished speaking, a companion immediately exclaimed, "What, there is such a shameless person in the world, it's simply too hateful, next time I see her, I must not let her go!"

Based on her words alone, it was determined that it was someone else's fault. This level of judgment really made people wonder what to say.

"Isn't that so simple and ordinary, even I was deceived?" Jingjing looked annoyed and depressed, but she had no killing intent, which was even more sympathetic.

Everyone comforted her, "It's okay, you still remember that person, next time we meet, we must kill her, this kind of woman cannot be kept!"

"Remember, I will remember even if she turns into ashes!" Jingjing's face began to become gloomy. If her companion didn't arrive in time, she might be buried in the swamp.

But she never thought about it, if Jun Luoxi hadn't bought so much time to save her, and then gave up saving her and just beat her back to the original place instead of pushing her into the swamp, she would have died long ago up.

Jun Luoxi didn't kill her because of her ungratefulness, which was already a special gift, but she didn't even think about it, she was really a selfish guy.

When she heard those voices of missing people, Jun Luoxi guessed that Jingjing would be rescued by her companions. Of course, she didn't regret it, after all, it was her kindness to save people.

It's the same for not killing people, she is not the kind of bloodthirsty person, not the kind of person who will kill others if they look wrong. Although she is very angry with Jingjing's actions, she will not end other people's lives because of this.

She could think about it, but she didn't know that Jingjing here had already regarded her as an enemy, and when she was about to meet her, she was ashamed!

After walking around the swamp, although he didn't fall into it, there was still a lot of mud on the hem of his trouser legs. After leaving the swamp, Jun Luoxi found a stream and changed into clean clothes.

The replaced one was cleaned, and the fire was raised and hung aside.

"Huh? There's a fire there." Just as Jun Luoxi was about to bake some food, he heard some sparse voices. Soon, a group of young men, about 20 people, came here.

"Female!" She didn't see Jun Luoxi, but saw the clothes, and she was very happy about the convenience, which made her feel regretful, and immediately frowned, and her impression of these people immediately became bad.

"Calm down, don't scare the girl." A very refined and polite voice sounded, and then everyone came into Jun Luoxi's sight.

The leader was a young man in his twenties, handsome in appearance, with fluctuating expressions in his eyes, which seemed a bit abrupt. He was dressed in white and looked elegant.

The smile on his face froze a little when he saw Jun Luoxi's appearance, but soon spread out.

"Sorry, my friends spoke too loudly and disturbed the girl. I'm really sorry." He apologized normally, and the others looked around, as if they were looking for something.

Jun Luoxi nodded, "No problem."

The man nodded gratefully, looked at his companions, "We will camp here, and we will set off tomorrow morning." Just like that, they also lit a fire and built several tents.

During this time, Jun Luoxi's barbecue was also ready, she finished eating quickly but not in a hurry, and then packed the tent.

"Girl, how can you be so rude, I'll ask my brothers to help you, they are idle anyway," the man suddenly said, and winked at the people around him.

(End of this chapter)

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