Chapter 615 Binding
"Or are you saying that what Young Master Cai said just now was to make me happy?" Jun Luoxi had a disappointed expression, and there was a look of eagerness in his eyes, as if he was willing to have a fast-paced acquaintance with him.

Seeing Jun Luoxi's performance, the man slowly changed from being stunned to being proud. Yes, the woman automatically posted his appearance and temperament.

Let alone the dark ugly girl in front of her, presumably no one touches her on weekdays, so I can't wait now, after all, I won't suffer if I try with him, right?

The man chuckled, "Of course not, of course what I said is true, girl please!"

He gestured to the tent not far away, Jun Luoxi's eyes flickered slightly, pretending to be very shy, and slowly approached, agreeing with her current situation of being a nobody.

After all, the girl must have been hesitant about such a thing for the first time, and the man was not in a hurry, and signaled the others to prevent her from escaping, while he followed Jun Luoxi.

When the tent was opened, the corners of Jun Luoxi's mouth couldn't help but twitch. Inside, a big bed had been prepared, covered with thick quilts. It was obvious that these people were used to such things.

In fact, they regarded things like hunting as a kind of cultivation. Just now she heard about the furnace, these people must use this method to enhance their strength and change their appearance.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this large group of people to look so dignified, elegant and handsome, it must have something to do with this matter.

"I just don't want to wrong you, girl, please." The man chuckled, he was already ready, that place, he couldn't wait to attack the city, and bathe in the fresh blood.

Jun Luoxi lowered his eyes, pretending to be shy, "Master, you really have intentions!" He had ulterior motives, and he didn't know how many innocent women he had harmed in this big bed, and how many people had died at this moment!
Such a scum, it would not be a pity to die ten thousand times.

"Girl, come," the man said, trying to grab Jun Luoxi's hand, but he dodged it.

"Is the aromatherapy lit here? It smells very good." She let go and walked inside. The man was slightly startled, but he didn't doubt it.

He smiled, "It's just a little spice for fun, girl, do you like it?" He dared to make a move without even asking Jun Luoxi's name, and this person was not so courageous.

"That's right, it makes me really want to try a new way of playing with the princess." Jun Luoxi rolled his eyes and said slyly, the naughty look in his eyes gave people a sense of conquest.

as predicted.

The man was full of curiosity, "I didn't expect that the girl is also a person of temperament, how do you want to play?" The final result is the same, and the process can naturally be more enjoyable, which can help him cultivate his strength.

"Of course it's bound." Jun Luoxi took out a rope and said, suddenly, the man's eyes became extremely alert.

"Bondation?" This woman still wanted to escape, so I knew she would not give up easily.

But Jun Luoxi seemed to be unable to understand his expression, and nodded, "That's right, tied up, son, you must always be the active party, why don't you give me a try today, I have always had this idea."

Every girl, no matter how weak she is, still looks like a queen when it comes to certain things.

"My lord, are you afraid that I'll run away? Don't you believe my brother outside your tent?" Jun Luoxi's tone was very flat, which slowly dispelled the man's suspicion.

He sat on the edge of the bed with a smirk on his face, "Well, I'd like to see how you play."

(End of this chapter)

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