Chapter 636 Give You a Punch

It may also be what Feifei said, the blood of these two vultures is good, so even if they go out to live in advance, they can quickly find a way to adapt.

Sleeping in the middle of the night, Jun Luoxi was woken up by a hairy feeling, and she couldn't breathe. When she opened her eyes, she immediately saw Fatty lying on her chest with her head raised.

Not to mention sleeping soundly, he opened his mouth slightly and made a slight purring sound, which was very cute, Jun Luoxi, who originally wanted to blow him away, held back his inner thoughts.

That's all, it's my own beast, and its temper is not bad, so let's pamper it, but under normal circumstances, we still have to take it seriously.

She gently moved Feifei to the position of her arm. After all, she was pressing on her heart. Even though it didn't weigh much, she still felt uncomfortable.

"Jiujiu" The eyes of the two little eagles squatting on the tree trunk above Jun Luoxi's head were shining, looking at her expectantly, no, to be precise, at her other empty arm.

They blinked their little eyes pitifully, pretending to be trembling, leaped lightly, and landed in her arms. Before she could refuse or agree, the two little guys combed their feathers, squinted their eyes, and fell asleep. .

This domineering and arrogant behavior made Jun Luoxi very speechless, and dared to treat her like a moving warm water bag, and all came to her?

These little hawks just looked a little big, but they didn't really weigh much. It was because their feathers were too fluffy. Jun Luoxi felt depressed, so he simply retracted his arms and let them touch each other.

One person and three beasts just fell into such a deep sleep. Early the next morning, Jun Luoxi was woken up by a scorching gaze.

She opened her eyes, and there were no eagles and fatters beside her. Looking along her line of sight, she immediately saw someone she was familiar with.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why are you in this state? Why are you digging out bird nests?" Jin Yi smiled evilly, and his figure flickered, squatting on the trunk in front of Jun Luoxi, and the weight made the trunk press down a lot.

Jun Luoxi, who was lying in the hammock, had black lines all over her hair. Does this guy understand what it means to be in love with a man and a woman? She hasn't gotten up yet.

"I want you to take care of it!" After finishing speaking, he stretched out his fist without hesitation.

Jin Yi fell off the tree trunk with an ouch, and even the surrounding twigs were broken. The neatly combed hair became messy at this time, and there were still some leaves hanging on the shoulders.

He covered one of his eyes and squinted the other, wailing, staring at Jun Luoxi, "You took the wrong medicine, why did you hit me?" people.

Jun Luoxi had put away the hammock at this moment, and was waking up with both hands, standing on the tree trunk, looking down at Jinyi, "I didn't hit you, I just gave you a punch, after all, it's early in the morning, and seeing acquaintances, I didn't It was a gift."

"I don't need a gift! What's more, this kind of thing!" Jin Yi was almost furious. He took out a mirror and looked at the one with black eyes and red eyes, feeling very depressed in his heart.

Jun Luoxi sneered: "I'm sorry, who told you not to say it earlier, and I have given all the presents, and I will not return them."

return?Is this thing returnable?Jin Yi clenched her teeth.

"Slightly slightly, women are mighty, but don't bully other young boys too much, if you cry, I'll see how you coax them!" Fatty squatted aside with two little eagles at this time, gloating.

"Dare to cry, beat him until he stops crying!"

(End of this chapter)

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