Chapter 638
Jun Luoxi stopped, looked sideways, and said solemnly: "Solemnly declare, I didn't hit you, I sent you off, you must figure it out."

Jin Yi had black lines all over his hair, it was the first time he had seen someone explain beating so freshly and refinedly, it was almost speechless.

"Is there anything else to say, let's go, or I will let you go first?" Jun Luoxi made a move to ask him to go first, and Fei Fei and the two eagles also looked at him.

Oh yes, Feifei named two little eagles, big and small, one of them was obviously born early and has a more stable temper. It inherited Jun Luoxi's ability and named it Fei.

"You go first, you are a woman, and as a man, I should let you go, Miss Jun please." Jin Yi's mind turned quickly, and he grinned immediately.

Jun Luoxi glanced at him, raised his footsteps and walked forward, but on the other side he ordered Feipang, who was carrying big and small, suddenly threw a stone to Jinyi's feet, and he slammed on one knee when he couldn't step on it stably Kneel down.

"Uh..." Jin Yi who stood up quickly was very depressed, he glared at Fatty and the two little eagles, he didn't expect these little guys to play this trick, it's too annoying.

Just like that, Jun Luoxi walked in front, and Jin Yi followed closely, unable to shake off, she was quick and he was quick, haunted, and finally Fatty and the others couldn't help it.

Calling out to Jun Luoxi, that is a signal that they are hungry and want to eat.

"Woman, I'm so hungry, I'm so hungry, I want to eat meat, I want to eat meat." Fatty simply lay on the ground, rolling and splashing, and didn't leave. Jun Luoxi felt it slightly, and found that he also felt hungry in his stomach.

She looked around, found an open space, and took out the cauldron. Jin Yi and Fatty's eyes lit up, and they gathered around the fire.

"It's none of your business here, what are you doing here for fun, go as you go." Fatty stretched out his little paw, kicked Jinyi, and instinctively told it that this guy was here to grab food.

Jin Yi knew that Fatty didn't have much strength, so he didn't care, "Fatty, you are already so fat, don't eat so much, you want to lose weight, you know?"

"I want you to care!" Fatty punched and kicked for a while, but unfortunately, the brocade clothes didn't move at all, and at this time, Jun Luoxi had already lighted a fire, put spices, boiled the soup, and then put in the bones. After a while, the taste was full Come out.

One person and three beasts swallowed desperately, wishing to drink all the soup, but Jinyi instinctively took out the steamed buns and an empty bowl, and looked at Jun Luoxi with a smile, "Let me help you taste whether it is salty or not."

It's really a reasonable reason to refuse.

Jun Luoxi shook his head, "Thank you, I will do this kind of thing myself, I won't keep you for dinner, go and do your work."

Hey, he's not busy, Jin Yi's heart is broken.

"If you don't give me food, I won't leave!" Jin Yi sat on the ground angrily, holding the bowl, chopsticks and steamed buns like a child.

Jun Luoxi glanced at him very indifferently, "Che, it sounds like you will leave if I give you something to eat." Even if she left, she would come back, no wonder she believed it!
Jin Yi chuckled, "Yes, I'll leave if I give you something to eat. I really won't lie to you this time. By the way, can you give me some spices for making soup? I'll learn how to make it myself and I won't come back to you."

He really didn't want to eat dry barbecue and free salt-flavored broth, so he came to Jun Luoxi. To put it bluntly, he was so hungry these days.

The monster in the Jinyi Warcraft space: I already have a hunch that the master is going to repeat the same mistakes, and a picture of him walking with his belly outstretched but unable to walk appeared in my mind.

(End of this chapter)

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