Playful Concubine: Black-bellied Devil Emperor, be tough!

Chapter 644 I really don't need you

Chapter 644 I really don't need you
The third shot missed, but this had already made the eyes of these people become terrified. In the blink of an eye, it can be said that in the blink of an eye, one person was killed and another was seriously injured. This ability is not ordinary.

"Pay attention to the things in her hands!" Knowing that they would attack if they were targeted, these people scattered and did not get together, but they all attacked Jun Luoxi.

The master said that her hidden weapon is very strange and has a huge lethality. It is true, but what the hell is this thing? It looks small, but it can kill people with one move!
This can change the hidden weapon rankings again, these people said very depressed.

Jun Luoxi sneered, shifted the gun to her left hand, held the blood blade in her right hand, and began to fight with the group of people, but they had already spotted the gun in her hand, and tried to avoid it as much as possible before aiming, so they couldn't kill them easily. die each other.

To put it bluntly, Jun Luoxi's current strength is not enough, otherwise this gun can exert stronger power, after all, the speed is improved by her spiritual power.

Since it was useless, she didn't want to waste the bullets, so she simply put them away, and these people felt a little relieved when they saw them. Without the hidden weapons, they would have nothing to worry about.

But in order to prevent Jun Luoxi from using it, they were still cautious, but they soon discovered one thing, that is, they should not be happy too early.

"Ho Ho, that's right, that's it, beat them up!" Fatty danced at the side, as if making a move, and the little eagle vulture beside him looked at it with very contemptuous eyes, as if looking crazy.

Without speaking, Jun Luoxi's eyes were very deep. She resisted the attacks of these people and made moves, dodging among them with ease. In a short time, she failed to kill the enemy.

And the enemy failed to hurt her, which shocked the other party, but the more shocking thing was yet to come.

"What's going on?" Gradually, these people noticed something strange, their speed seemed to slow down.

At this moment, Jun Luoxi showed a devilish smile, "What's the matter, just ask the King of Hades." After she finished speaking, her eyes were full of murderous intent, and the blood blade in her hand was clenched even tighter.

Her figure flashed around these people, and wherever they passed, the pupils of these people couldn't help but widen, and finally fell down, and when she came to the last person, Jun Luoxi grinned.

Before she could make a move, the man actually wet his crotch, trembling all over, his eyes were full of horror, and he murmured: "Devil, you are a devil!"

"Thank you, but please call me the Devil Queen." A trace of murderous intent flickered in Jun Luoxi's eyes, and the blood blade flashed a light, and this person was killed instantly.

"Okay, okay, woman, you are awesome!" Fatty Floppy flew over, with starry eyes, this master is good, so I don't want to dislike her, she can even cook well.

"Array? Woman, what else do you have that I don't know?" At this time, Jin Yi dragged a wild boar out of a nearby tree, and looked at Jun Luoxi suspiciously.

She raised her eyebrows, "You don't know, how could I tell you?" She knew that Jin Yi was back, when she killed the first person, but he didn't make a move, didn't he just want to see her strength.

Then let him take care of it, protect her, to put it nicely, it's actually just to monitor and understand her, not to mention, she doesn't want to owe such a favor.

Hearing the familiar sarcasm, Jin Yi's face darkened, "Can't we talk properly?"

"Didn't we have a good talk?" Jun Luoxi asked back, she has already given Jinyi enough face, if it were other strangers, she would not be so patient.

(End of this chapter)

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