Chapter 656 Run Fast

That's right, there was nothing wrong with it originally, what was wrong was these ambitious people, who attacked the black dragon for their own selfish desires.

Sympathy is all sympathy, she just glanced at Heilong faintly, she has sympathy, but she is not the Holy Mother, and she does not have that much power to fight for Heilong.

The hook hooked the black dragon, and the blood immediately flowed down, falling down little by little. Looking at the blood full of power, Jun Luoxi's eyes shone.

"Although it's hypocritical to say I'm sorry, I still have to say, I'm sorry." Jun Luoxi patted Fatty.

"Come on, it's time for us to play."

After listening, Fatty's eyes flooded, and he looked at Jun Luoxi in shock, "What's wrong? You changed your mind? But those people are also very strong, we may not be able to beat them all, let's forget it" It's still very Self-aware.

Feifei thought that Jun Luoxi had changed his mind and was going to slay the dragon to share a share with those people, so he couldn't help but remind him that it's okay to want to eat dragon meat, but he must have the ability to do so.

Jun Luoxi rolled her eyes, "What are you thinking, didn't you see the flying dragon's blood, don't waste it, go, go, go and catch it." She took out a big pot and put it on Feifei's body , flew out by himself.

After struggling for a while, Fatty stuck his head out of the cauldron, "Ale, I knew it" and knew that this woman would not change her mind easily.

Sighing silently, Fatty held the cauldron that was much bigger than himself and usually used to cook them, and Jun Luoxi, who occupied the lower half of the battlefield alone, picked up the dragon's blood.

Fang Fang thought he saw another black dragon coveting him, and couldn't help but roll his eyes. Unexpectedly, he didn't even spare its blood, it's just frantic!
When those who fought the black dragon saw it, they were dumbfounded. They had seen shameless people, but they had never seen such a thick-skinned person.

Sensing the line of sight, Jun Luoxi didn't look up, pretending not to see, happily catching those fresh, unpolluted dragon's blood.

"Roar! Aww" the pain made the black dragon struggle, but the bone-piercing pain came from all directions, it could be said to be a bird in a cage, and the struggle was useless.

Seeing that the black dragon was about to be caught, Jun Luoxi picked up the pot on Fatty's head, put it away, dragged it and ran away.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, there's so much blood, don't let it go to waste!" Fatty didn't know when he became interested, and immediately yelled, it still expects the blood to go back to refine medicine to increase its strength, so it can't be wasted.

"Idiot, take it as soon as you see it, let's go quickly." With a flash in his eyes, Jun Luoxi took out a few condensed formations from the ring, and threw them at these people calmly.

Fatty blinked, "Huh? What did you do, woman?"

"Guess." While speaking, Jun Luoxi increased his speed to the extreme, and disappeared in this place in the blink of an eye.

Seeing those people above, the corners of their mouths couldn't help twitching, "They ran away."

Suddenly, the black dragon glanced at Jun Luoxi's direction, and unwillingness flashed in its eyes. It roared angrily, and the sudden power made these people stunned. They only felt that they were being suppressed by some coercion.

At this time, the black dragon had already broken those iron chains, fell to the ground, mimicked, restrained its breath and disappeared into the grass.

"Chasing, I can't let it run away" After working so hard to trap the black dragon into what it is now, the fat in my hands must not disappear!
After the mimicry, the blood flowing from the wound was also much less. In addition, the black dragon deliberately avoided it. It rolled into the dust, the blood stopped, and it lost its whereabouts in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, it's all the fault of that brat! It's a good thing!" One person was so impatient, he slapped the ground hard and said.

(End of this chapter)

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