Chapter 667
"But I'm not sure." After hesitating for a while, the black dragon added that it doesn't have the concept of good things, but those things that exude spiritual energy should be good things.

Otherwise, why would someone put it here, and there are so many human beings risking their lives to enter it and compete for those things, so it must be a good thing!
Jun Luoxi smiled, "It's okay, we'll find out when we look back, by the way, go and take the things you want to take away, follow me, you're leaving the secret realm."

Moreover, she didn't know how many years after the opening of the secret realm, and she didn't know if she was still alive, which means that if she left this time, she might not have a chance to come back.

For Heilong, it is necessary to go home and have a look.

"Well, I do have something to take away." Heilong's eyes flickered a little, with uncertainty in his eyes.

"Yeah, when the time comes, pack up all the good things and take them away! Don't keep any!" Feifei said in the words of right and wrong bandits.

Hearing this, Jun Luoxi has black hair, she's fat, she speaks and does things cleanly, um, it's quite to her liking, it's right, good things are naturally taken away, not kept for others.

"But now we're full first, and then we'll go." Feifei looked away, staring at the cauldron in front of Jun Luoxi, swallowing desperately.

The black dragon who smelled the fragrance also looked sideways. The four little guys surrounded the pot, looking like they were waiting to be fed. Jun Luoxi didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, it's not cooked yet, wait until it's done, and be full!" How can you have strength if you don't eat enough? She plans to raise monsters as pigs. Only by eating well can they grow great!Take people as an example, how to have a strong body if nutrition cannot keep up.

"Yeah, we're willing to wait!" Fatty spoke first.

Black Dragon nodded, "I am willing too!"


Jun Luoxi glanced at all kinds of monsters, and sighed in his heart, these beasts, after they go out, I am afraid it will cost a lot of money to feed them, they are so delicious!Think about the size of the black dragon, think about the fat appetite.

That night, the meat and soup in Jun Luoxi's pot was added ten times at least!The space ring directly wiped out the corpse of a monster as huge as an elephant. Well, except for the internal organs and skin, she even took out the bones and stewed them.

Early the next morning, after she walked out of the cave, she thought about it, turned around and went back, and disguised herself as a handsome young man. As a woman, it is easy to be targeted by people after practicing in the forest.

What's more, now that she is in a secret realm, she doesn't want to encounter such a thing again and be targeted as a furnace. Therefore, it is more convenient for her to be a man, and it is also conducive to disguising her identity.

In addition to not wanting to attract evil cultivators, there is also the need to avoid strange young people like Jin Yi.

"Master, you're actually a bit handsome." Fatty looked at Jun Luoxi who was dressed in men's clothes. Now she showed her original appearance, and she looked very handsome.

He is no different from a young man like Jin Yi who attracts the attention of young girls, and he is of extraordinary background at first sight.

The reason why she pretended to be like this was that Jun Luoxi thought of wealthy families like Jin Mansion and Bai Mansion. If she pretended, she might be able to deter others.

Hearing the praise, Jun Luoxi's face remained unchanged, and the corners of his lips raised a graceful arc, "Oh yeah, I think I'm handsome too!" The slightly disguised voice was indistinguishable.

Who would have thought that this was a girl in disguise, but she does have such an aura, a man can make a woman's position exciting, and a woman can make countless men crazy, but the beauty has not been revealed yet.

(End of this chapter)

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