Chapter 669 We Were Fooled

It screamed, but couldn't speak, and finally understood what Jun Luoxi meant, and pretended to be innocent.

There is a reason for her not to let Feifei talk. If Feifei can speak out, it must be at the level of a holy beast, and will be coveted by people. How many monsters, even if they reach the level of a holy beast, will not be able to speak exist.

These people seem to be the kind of people who like powerful monsters and tame and use them, so it's better to be careful.

"Jiujiu" two little eagles and vultures stretched out their wings, but they couldn't fly when they wanted to fly. They quickly came to Jun Luoxi's feet, staring at this group of people, as if they wanted to protect Jun Luoxi.

Those people who were originally uncertain were a little surprised, "Three birds and beasts?" How could there be three, not one?

"Don't try to trick my Demon Pet!" Jun Luoxi warned viciously!

However, the man was only surprised for a moment, and then sneered, "Catching two little eagles is just trying to fool us, there is no way, you! If you don't want to die too ugly, hand over what you stole!"

Stealing, she took it openly and aboveboard, and it didn't belong to anyone. The blood and scales were all dropped by the black dragon. It didn't dare to say that what it lost was its own, and these people have the face to say so.

"Sorry, why didn't I know when I stole your things? I don't know you at all. These days, would robbers give themselves a high-sounding reason?" Jun Luoxi mocked.

"Brother, believe me, it's this kid, that's right, he's pretending to be stupid, see if I don't teach him a lesson." As he said that, he attacked Jun Luoxi, his actions were very ruthless.

The others watched from the sidelines, guarding to prevent Jun Luoxi from escaping. They didn't make a move. They were confident that with the strength of the kid in front of them, they didn't need to bully the less with more.

Jun Luoxi's eyes darkened, and she was about to deny it to the end, "If you want to rob me, don't even think about it!" Just like in An Luo City, if you act too realistically, you may deceive the other party.

When she was fighting, the black dragon's clothes slipped to the ground, and it ran far away, breaking a tree at a distance, and with a flash of black light, it fled quickly.

"That's it." The black dragon's passing figure caught their attention.

"It's a black dragon, don't fight it, it's important to chase the black dragon!" The man in the lead shouted, his figure disappeared in a flash, and the young man in front of him didn't know if it was that brat. It's not as important as chasing the black dragon.

He also swore that Jun Luoxi was the man they recognized, so he glared at her angrily, and followed the crowd to leave.

When the black dragon disappeared in an instant, it was when Jun Luoxi used the power of the contract to hide it in the Warcraft space. Because of the battle, the spiritual power was shaking, so it was not easy to be noticed.

These people want to find it, where can they find it, but they must not be interested in entangled with her affairs.

"Meow, it's so easy to look like this, can you still be recognized?" After leaving the battlefield, Jun Luoxi became speechless. It is difficult to change a person's figure.

They are both teenagers, but one is dressed plainly and the other is luxurious. As long as the two figures overlap, they can be easily guessed.

"Could it be that you should still be yourself?" Jun Luoxi murmured a sigh, found a place, changed back to her daughter's body, and after thinking about it for a while, she showed her original true face again.

Now, the handsome young man is no longer, but replaced by a lady of an aristocratic family with extraordinary temperament, the kind with a very noble status.

(End of this chapter)

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