Chapter 681

Nostalgia, reluctance, all kinds of feelings linger in the heart, it doesn't know what kind of mood it is.

However, this situation didn't last long, the dragon ball floated up and looked in the direction of Jun Luoxi, as if saying something silently.

Even if you can't see or see anything, but in front of Jun Luoxi, you can feel that there is a gentle and loving woman standing in front of you, asking her to take good care of the black dragon, just like entrusting your own child's future.

Jun Luoxi's mouth moved, "Don't worry, I won't let it be wronged, and, your child, you have to believe in its ability!"

The dragon ball suddenly shattered into two pieces, one piece penetrated into the black dragon's brow, and the other piece into Jun Luoxi's body. This sign came unexpectedly, and she was a little confused.

But soon, Jun Luoxi was pleasantly surprised. Last time, the last time she forcibly lifted the seal but failed, the hidden wounds left and the seal that had not been completely broken were due to the entry of half of the dragon ball.

That power completely lifted the second layer of seal, not to mention all injuries, completely healed.

She narrowly escaped death, that is, the first layer of seal was lifted, Yueyu Shengchao, half of it was lifted, and Fengyun Branch, half of it was lifted, and it has not been completely lifted, and now it is completely lifted.

There are still seven layers of seals, and there are still seven layers!
Feeling the lightness and comfort in her body, Jun Luoxi couldn't help squinting her eyes. Because of the black dragon, she also got benefits. This must be because the dragon ball expected her child to be better.

Otherwise, the dragon ball should belong to the black dragon. Maternal love is really great. Even if there is only one dragon ball left, there is still a trace of sanity in it, protecting her child for such a long time.

As for the black dragon, because the half of the dragon ball entered its body, it knows a lot of inheritance knowledge that it didn't know before. About dragons, it's just that it knows it now, and it can't understand it.

But this Dragon Ball not only healed its injuries, but also increased its strength by a few points.

"Master" Heilong looked at Jun Luoxi, the expression in his eyes revealed that he had matured a lot.

"Do you regret it?" Although there is half a dragon ball, but his mother's remains have been completely turned into dust.

The black dragon shook his head, "I don't regret it, my mother definitely doesn't want me to stay here alone all the time." It was here when it was still an egg, and my mother definitely wanted it to have its own life.

"Master, let me take you to the back rooms to have a look. We'll leave after we get the treasure." The black dragon squinted his eyes, walked towards another stone door, and pushed it open a gap.

It has to be said that this stone door is still very thick, and it is really difficult to push it open with ordinary strength.

Fatty looked at the dust on the ground in a daze, Jun Luoxi patted its little head, "What are you thinking, let's go" She thought that Fatty was looking at the remains and wanted to eat dragon meat.

Unexpectedly, he sighed deeply, "Hey, I didn't eat the meat, and I didn't even get any benefits, so I'm still depressed." The woman had half a Dragon Ball, but it had nothing.

Jun Luoxi rolled her eyes, ignored it, just knew how to eat it, thinking about the benefits, what else could she say.

"Hey, why don't you talk, woman, wait for me" Seeing that Jun Luoxi ignored him, Fei Fei had no choice but to follow.

"Can you let go later, I almost got my tail between my tails," Fatty muttered, this guy, Black Dragon, must be avenging himself!hum.

However, Jun Luoxi didn't care about Fei Fei and the black dragon at this moment, and her sight was not surprised by everything around her.

Starting from this room, she felt as if she had walked into a living room in a certain courtyard. It was very clean and tidy, and the space was well designed.

(End of this chapter)

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