Chapter 690 She is in danger
According to this person, he has a very close relationship with his mother, maybe, maybe he can look at his mother's face and let him stop embarrassing them.

Big deal, they hand over all the treasures they got from here, so, it should be fine.

"You want to intercede?" Xu Ying's eyes flickered slightly, looking at the black dragon.

It nodded, "Yes, I don't allow you to hurt the master!" Jun Luoxi treated it very well, and it was unwilling to leave her. The previous contract was indeed due to coercion.

But after getting along, it doesn't regret it, it already regards Jun Luoxi as a family member.

"For Dahei's sake, I won't kill you. Before I kill her, I will cancel your contract. There are many good masters. Besides, wouldn't it be nice to be free?"

The black dragon shook his head, "It's good to be free, but I prefer to advance and retreat with my master, you don't want to separate us!"

"Hehe, then it depends on whether you, the master, know each other." As he said, the phantom grabbed Jun Luoxi's neck.

"Call me master, this apprenticeship is considered successful, help me kill my enemy from now on, and all the treasures behind me will be yours." Xu Ying looked at Jun Luoxi with menacing eyes.

A feeling of suffocation came from the neck, but Jun Luoxi smiled even brighter, "Oh, look at you, you were killed by a traitor, so it's none of my business, I refuse."

Sure enough, this master is not so easy to worship, treasures and the like must be taken with one's life, he is so powerful, his enemy is so powerful.

"Looking for death!" Xuying thought, his strength deepened a little, and Jun Luoxi already felt dizzy.

At this time, a surging force hit the old man hard and pushed him away, and Jun Luoxi also broke free from the force, but she staggered against the wall, coughing non-stop.

"Someone actually set a life restriction on you, unfortunately, your strength is still weak!" Xu Ying said disdainfully.

Jun Luoxi's heart paused, her life was restricted, and her power to protect her, whoever did it, my grandfather didn't seem to have done such a thing.

In the ancient tomb, Li Qianjue, who was not far from Jun Luoxi's location, suddenly paused, his face became serious, "Something happened to the wild girl."

"What, my lord, you said Miss Jun, what can she do?" Jingfeng and the two didn't understand.

"She's in danger!" Thinking, Li Qianjue headed towards a certain direction, there, that wild girl must be there!

"Ah?" Jingyun was taken aback for a moment, but was pulled by Jingfeng, and quickly followed Li Qianjue's footsteps.

On the other end, Xuying looked at Jun Luoxi, who was stubborn and stubborn, and suddenly sighed faintly, "Forget it, I don't need you to do anything, I don't need you to avenge my revenge, you can pass on the mantle of this old man." Can."

That's right, after so many years, at this time, he still struggles with what to do with those hatreds. If he dies, everything will be blown away, and if he takes in an apprentice and asks her to take revenge, what if he dies like this.

Jun Luoxi sneered: "Sorry, I'm still not interested." As she said that, she turned around and was about to leave.

Xu Ying's eyes froze, and he stretched out his hand to grab her, "You can't help this!"

After all, his strength is strong, how can Jun Luoxi avoid it, he can only be caught, and let the phantom hold her head.

"Go away!" Can this thing be forced?
However, the phantom didn't care so much, he hung upside down, with one hand pressing on the top of Jun Luoxi's head, a steady stream of power poured into her body from the top of her head.

"Jiu Lingjue, heh, it's just a mere seal. You have only unlocked two layers. You should study hard the exercises that my master gave you. You can easily break the seal of Jiulingjue."

(End of this chapter)

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