Chapter 694 Inheritance is Here

Feeling the surging power and feeling familiar, they searched all the way, but they didn't expect that it was really their master. Great, they were fine, so they knew that the master was not an ordinary person.

"Huh? How did you find us?" Jingyun was very surprised.

"I couldn't find it at first, but I don't know why, the route seems to be much simpler, and the dead end is easy to judge, so I followed it later, the subordinate came late, please forgive me, Lord."

After explaining, the group knelt down towards Li Qianjue.

Taking a deep breath, Li Qianjue turned around and put the mask back on. Just now, the strength was scattered, and unconsciously, the character mask on his face was also shattered, revealing his true face.

"Let's go!" Although the little girl is in danger, she still seems to be alive. If something happens to her, Yupei will remind him. For now, just find her quickly.

Under the leadership of Li Qianjue, this group of people followed and left here.

"Oh, by the way, where are the rest of you?" Jingfeng couldn't help asking seeing that their number had been reduced by half.

"Reporting to the guardian, I will divide the soldiers into two groups, hoping to find some to join you, and I will leave a code to tell the others later."

As expected of Li Qianjue, he is well-trained, and even when he is not around, he can still make reasonable decisions on his own.

Afterwards, the team became quiet, and they were puzzled. Their master seemed to be a little bit wrong, but they couldn't ask what happened.

Just after they walked not far away, they heard the sound of a group of people talking.

"I heard that I found the Inheritance Palace. I heard that there are countless treasures there. Let's go, go!"

"Really, where is the inheritance palace?" The companion became excited when he heard it.

The person who sent the message smiled triumphantly, "Where else can it be, just follow the big team. The six giants are leading the way. It's not bad for us to follow behind them to pick up some mistakes."

"My lord?" Seeing the direction in which these people left in a hurry, he waited in shock for Li Qianjue's decision.

He clenched his hands into fists and then released them, and walked towards the large army. "Going" he felt that he cared too much about that little girl, which was very wrong and shouldn't be.

Yes, he was probably just worried that she would die and he would not be able to get the jade pendant back. Li Qianjue, who was starting to get into a corner, became complicated at this moment.

Jingfeng glanced at Li Qianjue, feeling in his heart, this is right, this is their Patriarch, calm and unruly.

As the crowd walked forward, they found that the road became empty. There were boxes piled up on both sides of the road, and there were corpses dumped on it. Bottles and jars were exposed from the boxes, which should be filled with pills or something.

Pills are very strange things, as long as they are sealed in a bottle, they can still be used after many years.

As long as the seal is good, the medicinal properties will not be greatly affected. If the seal is not good, it will be affected to some extent, and those lost medicines, even if they have been around for many years, are priceless treasures.

These elixirs are very useful in the study of lost prescriptions. A powerful pharmacist can judge the ingredients in the elixirs, and then configure the corresponding elixirs.

Even if it is impossible to judge, it can be improved. In short, there are many benefits.

But at this moment, no one is competing for these treasures. They all gather in a pile and look forward.

Following everyone's line of sight, Li Qianjue narrowed his eyes slightly.

In front of them, at this moment, there are two large iron gates, which are tightly closed. There is a plaque on the iron gate, which looks like the gate of an aristocratic family. However, three words are engraved on the plaque, Inheritance Palace .

(End of this chapter)

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