Chapter 699 A Well-Matched Couple

Jingfeng and a group of subordinates looked at it stupidly, stains, this side, they thought it had never appeared, after all, the performance of their master has always been unimaginable.

Their opponents didn't bother to deal with them anymore, and they all went to fight for those treasures. It would be great if no one robbed them.

Outsiders watched the beautiful scene, but Jun Luoxi was shocked. Although she was so fucking, after feeling the charming kiss, she subconsciously closed her eyes, but her cheeks, including the roots of her ears, were completely red of.

This man, is he crazy? He, why would he do such a thing at a time like this? She is a girl from every family, should she be a little more reserved?

Reserved, what the hell is reserved.

"Well..." Jun Luoxi struggled desperately after regaining consciousness, Li Qianjue bit her lip punitively, and it was over, he raised the corners of his lips in satisfaction, and looked at the person in his arms.

Just now, she looked arrogant and clamorous, but now she looks like a newly ripe apple, rosy in the white, making people want to take another bite.

This woman is so capable that he can't even control his own behavior. In this way, she can't let her escape from his palm.

"It's fine!"

Just when Jun Luoxi was about to ask Li Qianjue what she meant by doing this, and was about to accept her pursuit, oh no, was she going to be her man or something, when she heard this sentence.

Immediately, she raised her eyes in a daze, staring at the stunningly beautiful face in front of her eyes, opened her mouth slightly, and said slowly, "Dangerous restriction was imposed by you?" , has never been weak.

If she really met a strong person, the other party would definitely be injured, and she would have a chance to escape.

Li Qianjue raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise, who else do you think can have such a great ability?" The proud and confident appearance made people unable to take their eyes off, as if he was born to be like this.

The corner of Jun Luoxi's mouth twitched slightly, and he gave him a blank look, "You are so beautiful, I didn't say I want to thank you" and she didn't let me down, so I decided not to say thank you, hum!
"Did I tell you to be grateful?" This little girl is really good-looking when she gets a bargain.

"But you have to thank me." Jun Luoxi smiled mischievously, raised the gun in his hand in a certain direction, pulled the trigger, and with a bang, the person who was about to attack them backed up.

Seeing this, Li Qianjue's eyes darkened, he embraced Jun Luoxi with one hand, and attacked the man fiercely with the other.

"The Qing jade is mine!" The middle-aged man yelled, preparing to deal with Jun Luoxi, thinking that she was Li Qianjue's weakness and easy to bully.

Unexpectedly, a black light flashed past, and a black snake's tail appeared in the air, which immediately smashed the man to the ground, and was pointed at by Jingfeng and the others almost instantly.

"Damn it, who is plotting against me!" Even the enemy didn't even see clearly before he got hit, damn it, damn it!

"It's me." Heilong stretched out his little head mischievously, twisted it into a ball, and stood on Jun Luoxi's shoulder. She was very lucky, but fortunately, this guy is not fat and likes to make a nest on her head.

Li Qianjue chuckled lightly: "Kill!"

"Wait" for a while, before the last two words were finished, they were tied into a sieve by Jingfeng and the others, and they dared to take action against them. This is the consequence.

Jun Luoxi did not refuse Li Qianjue's hug, but looked sideways at him, "I saved you again, how can you thank me?"

Li Qianjue's eyes softened, and a seductive smile appeared on his handsome face, "You did it voluntarily, I didn't say anything."

Uh, he has actually learned to play this trick, how can he upgrade and improve so fast.

(End of this chapter)

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