Chapter 817 Remember This Smile

What is a child with a little bit of talent? In this world, you are right to be strong, but if you don't have a powerful force to protect you, you will always suffer a loss if you fight alone.

No matter how big an elephant is, there are many ants, and it is capable of killing it.

Looking forward to it day and night, finally gave hope to the assessment competition of the main courtyard. Originally, newcomer disciples were not allowed to sign up to participate in the assessment, but there is no strong requirement for this special recruitment.

Therefore, as long as there is some strength, that is, those disciples who have become apprentices, they will get the news immediately and sign up, and the rest, who are not confident enough in themselves, just listen.

Those who did not sign up naturally had no chance to watch the assessment competition, because the assessment competition was held in a secret place, and there was a formation to hide it.

In this way, also in order not to be disturbed.

A lot of people signed up, so on this day, when Jun Luoxi and Gan Lu came to the competition field, they felt very lively.

"Luoxi, you are here." Long Li and others also came at this time, and they came over to say hello to Jun Luoxi, and then they found vacant seats and sat down. There were ten people on the test bench, and they went on at the same time.

The instructors who come to the assessment will randomly select the names of people, let them compare and test their true strength, and those who win will advance to fight with stronger opponents, and those who lose will have a chance to stand up, but if they lose both times, they are destined to be with each other. The main courtyard missed.

"There are so many people, when are we going to wait for us?" Gan Lu couldn't help but sigh when he saw the elders who had been assessed sitting in their seats.

Jun Luoxi and the others smiled and said nothing, they will arrive when they should arrive, maybe they will be the first one.

Just when she thought so in her heart, the assessment instructor read the list of candidates for the competition. They were the ones who notified each competition. When they heard that there was Jun Luoxi in the first competition, everyone was surprised. .

"So fast?" Mu Tianhan and the others were surprised.

But Ganlu was different, when she heard her opponent's name, she frowned, "Luoxi, I don't feel right, why is it such a coincidence, you will match her?" When they made a bet before, it was just an agreement.

After all, with so many people, they may not be able to meet each other, and they will only make an appointment to fight after the assessment is over.

Jun Luoxi's eyes flickered slightly, "It's okay, it's good, so I won't have to look for her later." What if she sees that she is too strong and the other party runs away, but she has always believed that Teacher Su is cunning and must There are ways to bring about this coincidence.

"What's going on, the opponent has grievances with you?" Xiao Yu asked puzzled.

"It's not just that there is a grudge, the hatred between them has grown, let me tell you." Gan Lu was about to warn about the matter as she spoke.

At this time, the assessment instructor on the competition platform called Jun Luoxi's name twice, because Anxi was already standing on the competition platform.

"Stop talking, I'm going up." Jun Luoxi slightly pulled the corner of her lips and got up.

Gan Lu waved her fists, with an encouraging expression on her face, "Come on, Luoxi, teach her a good lesson, you must win the beauty!" Then, let's see how she cries.

"Well, don't worry, I will." Of course she will win. If she doesn't win, she can advance to the main courtyard. No one can stop her today.

Since Anxi is looking for a dead end, she will help her. She is the kindest person in her heart. How can she let others down with her repeated demands.

"Junior Sister Luo Xi's smile is a bit permeable." Gu Letian said quietly, for some reason, he felt a restrained killing intent, which made people afraid, yes, he was afraid of a woman.

Ganlu grinned and kindly reminded: "You don't understand this. When Luoxi treats the enemy, the brighter the smile, the more painful the opponent's ending will be. So, remember this smile and don't mess with it in the future. she

(End of this chapter)

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