Chapter 820 Revealed
Struggle, it would be so boring if you just get caught.

"It's almost over, hehe" Ganlu watched from below, and said this very calmly.

Mu Tianhan and the others heard the words, carefully observed Jun Luoxi's expression, and found that her smile at the moment was inexplicably shocking. This is what Ganlu said, when the smile becomes more beautiful, it is the enemy crying when?
"I don't want to play anymore." Jun Luoxi said this boringly like a child having a temper tantrum.

Immediately afterwards, waves of force slammed towards Anxi, without gaps at all, making her overwhelmed. This was not over yet, she stuck on it like brown candy, attacking around Anxi.

Anxi, who had never seen this kind of fight before, was sweating profusely at this moment. She gritted her silver teeth and threw a handful of powder at Jun Luoxi, as well as several poisoned silver needles.

The powder was colorless, but who was Jun Luoxi? With a wave of his sleeve, the powder was dispersed immediately. As for the silver needle, it was blocked by her sword with a blood blade, rebounded, and shot Anxi.

Oops!Anxi's face changed violently, she didn't care about attacking, and immediately took the antidote, which was extremely poisonous.

The moment the antidote entered, Jun Luoxi's blood blade rested on her shoulder.

An Xi was taken aback, and her face turned even paler. How could she just lose like this?Unbelievable and unacceptable, she stood stupidly.

Jun Luoxi's eyes were cold, and a ruthless voice like a god of death said from her mouth, "You lost, how do you want to die?" As she said, the long sword approached her neck, and the sharp blade immediately pierced her skin , faintly bleeding beads.

die?She doesn't want to die, she just wants Jun Luoxi to die!Anxi's mouth moved, but he couldn't say a word, while Narrator Su was extremely nervous below, and kept checking the elder with winks.

Damn it, it failed again, people must not compromise here today.

"Ahem, I announce that Jun Luoxi will win this competition! After successfully advancing, the two of you can go down, and there are others to compete," the assessment elder immediately reminded with a smile.

Jun Luoxi's smile became playful, "Don't worry, I'm just taking my life, I won't delay too long."

Then she looked into Anxi's eyes, "If you don't do anything, then I'll do it!" As she said that, she wanted to wipe Anxi's neck. If you gamble your life, you must never break your promise.

An Xi's pupils widened, and she fell limply backwards. She crawled out, "No, no, don't kill me. I don't want to die. I was wrong. Don't kill me. I won't die again." I'm looking for trouble for you."

"Stop!" Before Jun Luoxi could chase her down, the elder Lingyi yelled and stood in front of her, while Anxi, trembling, ran towards her master and hid.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt more interesting, and the light in their eyes was even more dramatic.

The examiner elder looked at Jun Luoxi who was holding a long sword, as if she was a murderous maniac, and frowned fiercely, "They are all from the same academy, if there is any grievance, they must take other people's lives.

Young people, you shouldn't be so murderous. Think about it because you are all young people. Today's incident will be exposed. How decent is it to fight and kill in public! "

Expose it?Hearing this, there was no smile on Jun Luoxi's face. She understood that the shelter that Anxi was looking for was these people. Teacher Su's style of doing things really hasn't changed at all!

"What if I refuse?"

Knowing that Jun Luoxi didn't cooperate, the face of the elder who was being assessed turned cold, "Are you questioning what this elder said? Do you know what you said?"

(End of this chapter)

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