Chapter 833

"It's really the dean that you said so well?" Mu Tianhan and the others looked very suspicious, boasting so much that it felt a little unreal.

The dean patted his chest, with a serious expression on his face, "Really, there is no deception, you will know when you go, but well, I also know that you are all very united, and today's incident made you very angry."

"I know you are the only one who is still standing with those people?" Xue Qingfeng looked at the dean coldly. They are all from the main courtyard. He must be facing that side, needless to say.

Everyone's eyes also became playful at this time. They didn't believe that the dean could take such painstaking efforts to do something that was not beneficial.

Being stared at by everyone, the dean only felt uncomfortable all over, and he said with a scalp: "Don't say that, I'm still on your side, otherwise I wouldn't be so pertinent!"

Well, it's the first time I meet someone who praises me, it's amazing.

"As for me, although I came from the main courtyard, the branch courtyard is my painstaking effort now, and I should protect you. These people have done too much, and they don't take our branch courtyard seriously. , this time you are like this, I feel very comfortable in my heart!"

When those people came to enroll students in the past, which one didn't pull them like [-] million. Today, I finally saw their deflated appearance. Just thinking of that scene made him feel overjoyed.

Jun Luoxi had black lines all over his head, "Dean? Are you always afraid that the wall has ears and someone wears shoes when you turn around?"

From the dean's tone, he was planning to defect and stay on their side.

The dean didn't take it seriously, and took advantage of the gap to eat the meat that was about to get cold in the bowl, and then took a large piece out of the pot.

"Brother Xuezun's sound insulation effect, I still believe in it very much, and your personality is also very good, and you won't harm me." This is putting a high hat on everyone.

If the news leaks out, it must be them. This yard is really an old fox.

"Thinking that if you praise me, I will compromise, there is no way! Go back and tell them that this seat and this seat's disciples are very unhappy, and when the mood is better, we will talk about this issue again."

The dean's mouth twitched slightly, "Then do you think this is okay? That person is kneeling outside now. If we are tough, it won't make sense. How about asking them to make up for it and soothe the little girl's hurt heart?"

The implication is, take advantage, calm down, and expose what should be exposed. The score should not be placed too large, or it will easily collapse.

Xue frivolously looked at Jun Luoxi from the corner of her eye, and then nodded, "This can be considered, but don't they need compensation to soothe the soul?"

Mu Tianhan and the others raised their eyebrows and laughed wickedly, Emma, ​​why does it feel so good to be cheating with this master and apprentice? If it was my own master, I definitely wouldn't do this.

"Well, it's easy to say, I will mention them later, no matter what, you have to have some privileges in the main courtyard, right?" The dean smiled.

"It makes sense, that's it, let's eat and eat." Xue Qingkuang yelled at Yaozun and the others, pouring wine and eating meat, feeling very comfortable.

Satisfied with wine and food, the two examiner elders knelt outside the door with numb legs and finally waited for the dean to come out.

Seeing the dean's serious face, their hearts skipped a beat. It's broken. Could it be that the conversation has collapsed?
"Hey, what are you doing?" The dean pretended to be surprised and looked at the two kneeling on the ground, as if he didn't know they would be like this.

"Dean, it's not important, how are you talking with them?"

(End of this chapter)

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