Chapter 841

"Ahem, Jun Luoxi, right? The assessment is about to start, are you ready?" The little girl in front of her is not from an ordinary background, and the elders of the assessment couldn't help being polite.

If her achievements in the future are extraordinary, it will be even more extraordinary.

Jun Luoxi nodded and smiled, and saluted respectfully, "Disciple is ready, please start."

Being polite, neither humble nor overbearing, he immediately won the favor of these assessment elders.

"There are three levels of examination questions in total, which are easy, difficult and super difficult. The first two levels have five questions each, and there are ten difficult ones. The assessment time is half an hour. Only those who answer eight or more questions correctly will be considered qualified. Wrong does not matter.

And the more questions we answer correctly, the higher our score on the assessment will be. This will directly affect the ranking of the recruited students this time. The top ten students will be rewarded when they go to the main academy to start school. Is there anything you don’t understand? "

"No!" Strength is the most important thing, but IQ is a bonus item. In general, the better the disciple, the more the academy is willing to cultivate. This is the same in any world.

"Okay, let's start, the first question."

Jun Luoxi listened quietly, and whenever the assessment tutor finished speaking the questions, she had already answered, which included brain teasers and some complicated calculations.

At the same time, she was given an obscure and difficult exercise, and she was asked to answer the questions without missing anything after reading it once. However, she passed it easily and finished answering the difficult questions without any pressure.

What made the assessment elder dumbfounded was that she answered all the extremely difficult assessments accurately.

"Elder, are you alright, can I go?" Jun Luoxi couldn't help reminding the two of them in a daze, half an hour later, it didn't seem to be here, and I don't know if they can "hand in the paper" in advance.

"Ah good" the two of them were stupid, watching Jun Luoxi leave, looked down at the answer sheet, and the two looked at each other in horror, "Talent!" Truth opened her head to see what the structure was, and she could so smart.

Jun Luoxi is not the first one to come out ahead of time. Those who take the literary test here can choose to skip it temporarily if they can't answer it. If they still can't answer in the end, they can only come out ahead of time.

Everyone looked at her with complicated eyes, so quickly, did she finish all the answers or come out after passing?Everyone was curious, but no one asked.

Then, when the time was about to end, Mu Tianhan and others and Gan Lu also walked out of the room one after another. The expressions on their faces were quite relaxed. Don't think about it, the answer is passed.

"Celebrate?" Gu Letian looked at Jun Luoxi and smiled meaningfully, while the others nodded, no need to think about it, it must be the idea of ​​letting her cook.

A group of people came and left easily, and Jiang Han also came out one after another, but he could only look at the back of Jun Luoxi and others leaving, feeling a little regretful and disappointed, yes, they were not familiar with it.

"Ahem, you are all watching what we do, everyone, please be simple." In the school of the ultimate class, a group of people looked at Mu Tianhan and the others with complicated eyes, and everyone stopped their hands one after another, a little surprised and embarrassed.

When the disciples of the five venerables came here, they felt flattered. In Jun Luoxi's words, they understood their temperament and would not be restrained, but others were different.

Seeing them like this, and refusing to listen to what they said, Mu Tianhan could only look at Jun Luoxi, as if you could figure it out.

Jun Luoxi smiled, "Let's be casual, seniors, they are very nice people, come to our gathering today, and plan to try your cooking skills, show off?"

(End of this chapter)

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