Chapter 845
Jun Luoxi helped her forehead helplessly: "No need" This is his territory, and it's not good to follow others around at every turn. Besides, the other party didn't mean to hurt her, so there's no need.

"Oh, really don't need it?" Feifei flew out of his pocket, still asking unwillingly.


It wasn't until Jun Luoxi was sure that it flew onto the table and began to eat, dim sum, if you don't want it, then don't want it, then it can always eat.

Afterwards, the two of them took a look around the room and sat down on their seats. At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Miss Jun, Miss Gan" was the waiter's voice.

"come in".

The door was opened immediately, and a middle-aged man followed behind the waiter, looking at Jun Luoxi for the first time.

"It's Miss Jun, do you have something to sell? Can you show me what it is?" That's right, there is another strange thing, these people didn't ask her what she was selling, they first found the appraiser come over.

You must know that the identity of appraisers is very important to the auction house. Their judgment directly affects the interests of the auction house. At the same time, they are deeply respected by everyone in view of their ability.

Confused, Jun Luoxi still took out the box in his hand, "What do I call you?"

"Don't dare to take it, don't dare to take it, Miss Jun can just call me Bai Xiao." The appraiser immediately looked like he couldn't afford you.

"Master Bai, let's talk after you have a look." Jun Luoxi pursed her lips, and handed out the box in her hand.

Bai Xiao took it, opened the box, and there were three palm-sized black scales lying inside, exuding a strong aura. When he saw it, he was shocked, "This is a dragon scale?"

"Master Bai has good eyesight. I wonder if you can auction these black dragon scales?" Jun Luoxi pursed her lips. These were the scales of the black dragon she picked up before, and some of them were lost because of healing.

She can't use so much to refine medicine. Before, she suffered from the lack of dragons, but now that there is a black dragon, as long as the scales that usually fall off naturally are enough for her to refine medicine.

And as her own beast, she didn't want to treat it as a medicinal material and use it to refine medicine at any time.

"Miss Jun trusts our Juexi Auction House so much. Of course it's no problem. I will arrange it myself later, and there will be a good price," Master Bai vowed.

Jun Luoxi smiled, it's good to be so straightforward, "By the way, the commission is drawn, you guys."

"Commission? No, how dare we take your commission from Miss Jun. As long as you trust us, we will auction this dragon scale for you, and we won't take a single commission. Besides, we will keep your identity a secret."

"No commission?" Gan Lu couldn't help being puzzled when she heard this. As the young lady of Wangyue City, she had never heard of Juexi Auction House not requiring a commission for auctioning her things. easy to use?

"Can you tell me the reason?" She finally understood where the weirdness was. These people were more respectful to Ganlu than to her. What happened to Juexi Auction House.

Bai Xiao shook her head, "Master told me, I can't disclose it at will, please forgive me, Miss Jun, but please rest assured, we have no ill intentions towards you, including Miss Gan."

"Who is your master? Could it be that you have a crush on my master?" Fatty took a sip of tea, playing with it very much.

As soon as these words came out, the corners of Bai Xiao's mouth twitched slightly, "Ahem, we, we don't know either" Secret love?Will it?They're just doing what they're told.

(End of this chapter)

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