Chapter 857 Waiting For You To Appear

On the other hand, Yueyu Luotian, maybe it was Jun Luoxi's words that made him completely relieved, and he became much more cheerful, as if he had returned to the innocent boy before.

Just like that, the four of Jun Luoxi started to leave for the main courtyard.

If you wonder why Yueyu Luotian, who is not in the Fengyun branch, can go there, it is because the disciples recruited by the main courtyard are not only the branch, but also some casual cultivators who are proud disciples, they will also consider it.

On the rivers and lakes, there was also a competition, which was as strict as in the branch school, and many new disciples were recruited, of course only a small number, and Yueyu Luotian was one of them.

"Eh? There's a group of people in front too, are they mercenaries?" Walking on the road, Gan Lu couldn't help but become curious when she saw a group of people resting not far from the road.

Jun Luoxi glanced casually, then frowned, "Maybe." After speaking, he subconsciously accelerated.

The black dragon hidden in her sleeve sensed the aura of those people at this time, and couldn't help exuding a trace of killing intent, which was quickly suppressed by it, but it was still perceived by these people.

The other party looked at Jun Luoxi, and immediately shouted: "It's her, that woman! The black dragon is in her hands!"

Following these words, the group of 20 people quickly surrounded Jun Luoxi and the others.

"Master, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." The black dragon poked its head out of its sleeves. It was really that it almost died in the hands of these people. As long as it saw them, it couldn't help but feel hatred in its heart.

Jun Luoxi pushed the black dragon's head back, and told it mentally: No need to apologize, they will recognize her the moment they see it. At that time in the inheritance palace, she appeared with her real face, and these people naturally recognized her among them.

Walking from here is within their line of sight, and it is only a matter of time before they find out.

"Who are you? You want to rob them?" Gan Lu stared at them angrily, showing displeasure, they were all middle-aged people, it was really shameless to rob them, young people!

This group of people sneered, "Robbery? We just want to get back what originally belonged to us." The other party took it for granted, staring at Jun Luoxi with very unfriendly eyes.

"Funny! You have something on us, we don't know you at all!" Yueyu Luotian frowned.

Jin Yi, on the other hand, narrowed his eyes, "Are the people from the Hunting God Tribe just such robbers?"

"Huh? You recognize us, you are the young master of the Jin Mansion?" The other party looked at Jin Yi and spoke slowly.

The Hunting God Tribe is a faction, and they are also mercenaries. What they do, such as killing and extorting goods, selling news, and catching monsters, are well-known in the world. As long as the price satisfies them, they will go.

And hunting powerful monsters is their main business, so they are well-known outside the world, just like Mo Ji's sect, they are well-known.

"I know, you still want to rob this young master?" Jin Yi's eyes were cold and stern, his face of the young master of the Jin family must be somewhat useful.

Unexpectedly, they frowned, but they didn't let it go.

"Master Jin misunderstood, we didn't want to rob you, but we just had some grievances with this girl to settle. We don't want to be your enemy, so please don't interfere with Master Jin!"

The implication is that they only target Jun Luoxi, and they can ignore the others.

"We've been looking for her for a long time." We thought she was from a wealthy family or a disciple of a sect, so we searched for a long time, but found nothing. I didn't expect to meet her here by such a coincidence today.

The black dragon must still be following her, they all felt the breath of the dragon just now.

(End of this chapter)

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