Chapter 882

Ganlu, who turned around, looked at Jun Luoxi's driving, lowered her head and didn't know what they were doing, so she walked in curiously, "Luoxi, what are you doing, I'm coming in."

"En." Jun Luoxi replied lightly, without turning his head, he sat on the side of the bed with a stool.

Ganlu walked over slowly with his hands behind his back. When he saw Xiaobai on the bed, his face turned pale, he was dumbfounded, and couldn't say a word.

She took a deep breath, "Luoxi, I didn't expect you to study this." Skeleton, actually playing with skeletons, well, she knew that Jun Luoxi was different from other girls, but she didn't expect to The skeleton of the dead.

Could it be that she wants to use this dead man's skeleton to invent something?That's right, following Jun Luoxi, she learned these two words and understood the meaning. Powerful pots and guns are inventions in her opinion.

"He's Xiaobai, my younger brother." Jun Luoxi replied lightly, she was already mentally prepared for Ganlu's surprised performance and misunderstanding.

Subconsciously, Ganlu nodded, "Oh, Xiaobai, uh? Xiaobai, is that Xiaobai that brother Li said?" A skeleton?Uh, her little heart.

"It's him."

Only then did Gan Lu start to look at it seriously, and found two clusters of flames jumping in Xiaobai's eyes, and couldn't help but widen his eyes, "It, Luo Xi, why do I feel that he is looking at me?"

Jun Luoxi pursed her lips, "Xiaobai, sister's good sister, Lulu" Xiaobai woke up!

"Sister Lulu" Xiaobai's skeleton mouth opened and closed, making a hoarse and soft voice. He struggled a bit, and his bones creaked, as if he hadn't moved for a long time.

Of course, he has also been injured for a long time.

"Don't worry, you haven't healed yet, lie down first." That thing was really useful, and it actually woke up Xiaobai. In fact, it took about this time to wake up, because Jun Luoxi has been using strength to warm up its injuries.

Ganlu blinked her eyes, and gradually got used to it, "Xiaobai, why did it look like this?" Is he alive or dead?
"I don't know" Jun Luoxi and Xiaobai said in unison, Ganlu was speechless for a moment, well, pretend she didn't ask.

"Oh, the little skull has woken up, woman, the baby you chose is really good." Fatty, who was watching the wind at the door, ran over waving his wings and squatted on the skeleton stand in front of Xiaobai's chest.

And Jun Luoxi put the unknown thing that he took out from the Treasure Pavilion into Xiaobai's body.

Subconsciously, the two of them looked down at the watermelon-sized thing, the pitch-black thing that had been split in half, and suddenly collapsed with a click, turning into a pitch-black powder, like dust, without any other power.

Stretch out your hand to touch it, and the original substance, like quicksand, slipped from your fingers at this moment.

"Xiaobai, do you know what this is?" Jun Luoxi didn't know, so he could only ask Xiaobai. After all, it was instinctively attracted, so she brought it.

Xiaobai stared at the dusty thing with faint eyes, "Xiaobai has no impression, but inside, there is something with the same power as Xiaobai, which is warm, like fire."

"Eh? It's as warm as fire, can you feel the fire?" Jun Luoxi looked at Xiaobai with a strange expression, didn't he feel pain?

Hearing this, Xiaobai himself was taken aback, "I can feel it? I don't know, fire? Xiaobai can't remember." He looked tangled and struggling, his eyes were very confused.

These words seemed to be said unconsciously, not on his own initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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