Chapter 891

"Huh?" There is actually a black shadow in broad daylight, it is definitely either rape or robbery!He had this thought in his heart, but Jun Luoxi didn't follow him and ran out.

Isn't there a saying that says, curiosity killed the cat, she'd better not meddle in her own business, it has nothing to do with her anyway.

Just as she was thinking this way, the blood blade in her body seemed to sense something, and she couldn't help frowning, "This breath is different, I seem to have felt it somewhere."

"Wait, that man, the water is clear?" Jun Luoxi murmured, thinking of the man he saw more than half a year ago, who gave that thing to Xiaobai to heal his wounds.

He is from the underworld, so there are people like that in this academy? !Jun Luoxi's heart was beating thumpingly, and a feeling of excitement welled up in her heart.

Someone is here, then he must know the way to the underworld, and he can look for ghost grass!Xiaobai's recovery will be faster!
When she had this idea in her mind, she had already tiptoed and ran over. The two were not far apart, and the light in the forest was dim, and she could vaguely see that the other party was a man.

He stopped quickly, and Jun Luoxi also stopped quickly, slowed down his breathing, and hid himself.

With his back to Jun Luoxi, the man took out an invisible object, and soon, a vortex appeared in front of him, and after getting close, she could feel the difference in the breath even more.

It's really different. Others may not feel it, but she has fought with Shuiqing and felt it here at Xueren, so she is more sensitive.

"Yeah, it seems to be a person from the underworld." When the man stepped into the vortex, Fatty had stuck his head out of his pocket and commented in a low voice.

Jun Luoxi's eyes flickered, and he walked over, looking at the gradually shrinking vortex, still struggling in his heart, his master said that the underworld is extremely dangerous, and one cannot enter or exit at will.

Moreover, all those who enter the underworld need to pass through a dangerous poisonous fog forest. Let alone a normal person, they will die if they are exposed to the poisonous gas. She is not afraid of death, but there are still many things to go.

But she also hoped that Xiaobai would get better soon, because his injury was caused by her own fault.

"Woman, the whirlpool has become smaller," Fatty reminded at this time.

Jun Luoxi took a deep breath, and turned around resolutely, "Wait a little longer, go later!" When her strength improves a bit, in half a year, in half a year, she will definitely be able to unlock the third layer. seal!

Just as she raised her footsteps, the vortex suddenly grew bigger, and a sudden violent force sucked her in.

"I'm going! What's going on!" Realizing that she was being sucked, Jun Luoxi immediately resisted, but she felt an unshockable feeling, watching the vortex disappear in front of her, and her eyes were dark.

"Damn! We've encountered a turbulent current, you asshole!" In the distance, such words came intermittently, and Jun Luoxi's face suddenly darkened.

Which unlucky bastard opened the entrance, unexpectedly encountered turbulent space, and even picked her up, it's just shit luck, she can step on it!

Jun Luoxi was so depressed that she wanted to curse, but she still held back. If the other party found out that she was being followed, they might fight her at the other end of the passage.

At that time, that place will be someone else's territory, she can't be too arrogant, low-key and low-key, just turn back at that time, thinking so in her heart, Jun Luoxi kept silent, and covered her fat mouth with her hand.

This loud voice must be controlled well, otherwise it will be easy to cause bad things!
In the dark, she didn't even see Fatty's struggling wings. She couldn't breathe, and was about to suffocate. The bird was dying!

(End of this chapter)

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