Chapter 103 Handling (2)
Thinking in this way, Uncle Shi sent away the village head and other people, and after leaving his family, he immediately ordered his daughter-in-law Xu and daughter-in-law Xia to go home and tidy up the room, while he himself and Wang Yong, Mingyu, and Shi Shi stood by Grandma Wang's side, and when she woke up, they were ready to take her home.

Mingyu and Shishi were on the side, so they naturally heard his decision. Shishi had no objection to this proposal at all. Mingyu was a little surprised, but she was also happy for Grandma Wang.

In ancient times, people still believed in retirement. People who have no sons are called extinct households and are looked down upon. Although Grandma Wang has a grandson like Wang Yong, she is still too young to take on anything. Uncle Shi's family took care of Grandma Wang, Mingyu was very relieved and happy.

So Mingyu didn't say anything about Uncle Shi's decision to pick him up as soon as Grandma Wang woke up. Even if she wanted to take care of Grandma Wang, she decided that she could go to the Shi family to take care of her.

In the end, Mu Sang was found in Wu Cai's yard by some good villagers. He immediately notified Zhuang Dahu, the elder son of the village chief who was all over the village looking for someone. Mu Sang was carried to Zhuang Jincai's yard.

It's not the village head's house, but the family of Zhuang Jincai, who is a generation older than the village head. Everyone in the village is called San Shugong, and it belongs to the yard of the elderly with the highest seniority and reputation in the village.

Although many foreigners have settled in Hetang Village in recent years, in the final analysis, Hetang Village is dominated by internal villages, and the decisions are made by the villagers of Hetang Village for generations, and the villagers who have settled in the village for more than ten years.

Among them, the three surnames Zhuang, Zhang, and Liu are the oldest clans in Hetang Village. However, with the passage of time, there are only a few families left in the Zhang family, but none of the Liu surnames. Only the Zhuang family, although The population has also withered a lot, and its position in the village is indeed completely unshakable.

Zhuang Jincai, an 80-year-old old man who is still very healthy after the new year, is the oldest elder of the Zhuang clan. Even the old village head will call him uncle. It's not easy to call them, so the village simply calls them Sanshugong uniformly, which can be regarded as a respectful title.Because of his seniority, this third uncle is the most serious on weekdays, and because he is the head of the village, he makes all decisions with the most fairness and strictness. Fortunately, the old man is broad-minded and usually doesn't care much about the affairs of the village. There is a man with a strong desire to control With the village head here, he wouldn't bother the old man with anything.

However, this matter is not a small matter, and it is not a simple matter, so the village head did not hesitate to ask the old man to deal with this matter.

As for Mu Sang, the people she dared not provoke in this village, except for the seemingly extraordinary Dongfang family who used to be able to flatter and curry favor, and the village chief who had the right to decide the life and death of the villagers, Mu Sang did not dare to offend at all. The thing Musang fears the most is the old man in the village, the third uncle.

This old man is not simple to look at. Ever since he met this wise old man once, and was glanced by the eyes that seemed to be able to penetrate the soul, Mu Sang always took a detour when seeing this old man, but he did not expect that she would be taken away When he arrived at the old man's house, Mu Sang didn't mention how frightened he was.

Because Mu Sang was unworthy along the way, Zhuang Dahu directly tied him up and carried him to the third uncle's yard. When they arrived, the third uncle's yard was already surrounded by villagers inside and out.

(End of this chapter)

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