Chapter 107: Giving Wine (3)
But Shi Jiwen heard that a little girl from the next village was kidnapped and made a concubine because she once went to a restaurant in the town to deliver pickles, and then the master of Landlord Liu's family, who was eating in the restaurant, fell in love with her.

The younger brother who was with her was beaten half to death by the Liu family because of resistance. As a result, the little girl was tortured to death two months after she got married. The younger brother was also beaten to death because he had no money to treat his wounds. Blind.

Since this incident happened, the village does not allow girls to come out alone, especially in places like inns and restaurants, where girls are absolutely not allowed to set foot, so they are worried that a tragedy will happen.

Although Wang's restaurant has a good reputation in the town, Shi Jiwen was still worried. Originally, he did not agree with Mingyu and Wang Yong to come together, but he couldn't bear the two people's begging, and finally agreed to come together for some reason. When something bad happened, Shi Jiwen couldn't help worrying in his heart, and he didn't know how many times he talked about it along the way.

"Brother Shi, we know. Don't worry, when you are busy, I will watch Xiaoyong and pay more attention."

Mingyu was also a little helpless about Shi Jiwen's worries. She also heard what Shi Jiwen said about it. She felt that the girl was probably out of luck. She happened to meet a rich and powerful pig brother, but this After all, it is accidental, and it cannot happen frequently, otherwise the world would be too chaotic.

Since both Wangji Restaurant and the Wang family have a good reputation and nothing like this has happened, they should not let such a thing happen in their own restaurant.

Mingyu felt that Shi Jiwen was too worried, but it was right to be careful, and Shi Jiwen was also worried about them, so she would still pay attention, but it was impossible not to let her out.

She is different from other families. She is the only one in her family, and she has no elders to rely on, so she has to do everything by herself. If she is not allowed to come out, how can she make money to live.

When the Wang family received wine before, she wanted to go out and explore by herself to see if there was any business to do in places like restaurants. She didn't have such lofty ambitions. She is already very satisfied as long as she is not hungry.

She naturally knew how restrictive women were in ancient times, she didn't think about breaking this rule by herself, going to a different world with lofty ambitions, don't lose her nickname when she doesn't make a name for herself, she knows it well There are still some, how could it be possible to disobey such a big world.

But last time, Grandma Wang helped her with everything, and she didn't refuse the old man, she insisted on coming out by herself, but she didn't think that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, except for that bad thing, now let her come out .

Oh, not only her, but Wang Yong also came out.

Mingyu touched Wang Yong's head. Since Grandma Wang was injured last time, she found that the child had changed a lot. Although he was sensible before, he still looked like a child, but after that incident, the child seemed like a child. He grew up in an instant, and he became much older, like a little adult.

The child is dissatisfied if he touches it with his hand.

"Sister Mingyu, don't touch her, she's not a child anymore, and she can't tell what to give and take between men and women."

Feeling that sister Mingyu was stroking a puppy, Wang Yong frowned, and knocked Mingyu's hand off, with a serious face, looking at Dongfang Mingyu seriously, making Shi Jiwen on the side look funny.

(End of this chapter)

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