Chapter 121 Worry
Neither Shi Shi nor Mingyu guessed Hua Tianfu's narcissistic mentality, but looking at the other party's politeness, the first impression of him was not bad. If this person is as good as the surface, then it's okay for Qinglian to marry him.

"Since you're here, let's sit in the room for a while!" Qinglian smiled and took the epic basket. The basket was filled with pork, so it was naturally going to be put in the kitchen, so Qinglian walked to the kitchen and looked at it with a smile. Looking at Mingyu, she said: "Sister Mingyu hasn't been to my house yet, so everyone like Ze must sit down for a while!"

"Of course, I came here specially at this time, and I must drink a glass of water with you before walking."

Their purpose of coming here was to spy on the situation of the Hua family. Now that Qinglian offered to let her stay, Shi Shi and Mingyu naturally had no reason to refuse.

Qinglian nodded, she knew that Mingyu had been learning crafts from Father Amao recently, so she didn't have much time to play, so she naturally understood what Mingyu said.

Seeing the three girls walking straight in, seemingly forgetting his existence, Hua Tianfu felt a little dissatisfied, especially Qinglian, who was his fiancée, he was even more dissatisfied.

Why is this girl so ungrateful? Since he came to her house, she has been alienated. Although it is reasonable, he just feels dissatisfied. Could it be that this girl doesn't know that if she really marries him, the future will depend on her. His complexion has changed, why is he not trying to please himself now, but being so polite and alienated!

Although his parents have already said that they are retiring their engagement this time, they will not really marry this country girl, but this girl is really annoying, both families have said, let her accompany him for a walk in the yard, Familiar with each other, this girl didn't take the initiative to say a word from the beginning to the end, she was three steps behind and didn't say anything. Now that someone came over, she just left him. What's the matter?

Hua Tianfu only compared Qinglian with those girls who admired her, but never thought that even if there is a marriage contract, a girl who is not yet married should be alienated from a strange man who just met, no matter what Whether the other party is the future husband.

Qinglian didn't really mean to ignore Hua Tianfu, but since they came out, they have already walked around the whole courtyard no less than ten times. If they are familiar, even a fool can almost remember the layout of this small courtyard. It's completely impossible.

Moreover, Hua Tianfu is just a strange guest, so how can it be more important than Shi Shi and Mingyu?
Although she may be Hua Tianfu's wife in the future, that's something that will happen in the future. Besides, she has always been reasonable, and she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong. After she went to the kitchen to put down the basket, she would naturally come over. The yard is not far from the kitchen. At a distance of more than ten steps, you can see the scene of the kitchen from where you stand, so Qinglian didn't say anything more.

Hey, who told her to be a country girl? In this country, who puts something in the house, and makes a point of talking about it, and feels sorry for it, and wants to take her through the kitchen?

Of course, Qinglian was also embarrassed to say that when she wanted to explain, she happened to see Hua Tianfu who seemed to be lost in thought. Out of politeness and getting along with her this day, she felt that it was best not to disturb her.

As for Mingyu and Shishi, well, they didn't think of this at all.

As soon as he arrived in the kitchen, Shi Shi pulled Qinglian back, "Qinglian, tell me quickly, what is the situation with Hua Tianfu? How is he, what does the family do, I heard his mother is not good, he Will he speak for you, are they here this time to discuss your marriage, he..."

Qinglian was taken aback by Epic's actions, and said helplessly, "Cousin, once you ask so many questions, how should I answer them?"

Epic's eyes must be fixed, "Then say it one by one!"

Mingyu stood on the side, also watching curiously, seeing that Hua Tianfu outside was not paying attention to this side, she also signaled Qinglian to speak with confidence.

Looking at the posture of the two, Qinglian knew she had to say something, so she put the basket down and sat aside, "As you can see, the dude is not bad..."

Qinglian began to frown, thinking about the Hua family she met that day, but unfortunately Qinglian is a good girl, although she has some thoughts in her heart, she never deliberately speaks ill of others, even her cousin or friends, unless When someone is particularly annoying and disgusting.

What Qinglian said was roughly the same as what Shi Shi got from her parents. There was no other news. Although Shi Shi and Mingyu were worried, they couldn't stay in the kitchen for too long and leave Hua Tianfu there alone.

It is said that Qinglian's father and mother took the two elders of the Hua family to the field and have not returned. Before leaving, they told Qinglian to treat Hua Tianfu well, so Qinglian took him for a walk in the yard at Hua Tianfu's request. Until Mingyu and Shi Shi came over.

So, Hua Tianfu is the only one outside now, so it's not good for them to stay in the kitchen all the time, it's too impolite.However, Mingyu and Shishi frowned when they heard that Qinglian and Hua Tianfu had been alone for an hour, they must have felt relieved!

So next, the three girls and Hua Tianfu were drinking tea and chatting in the living room. During this period, Shi Shi and Mingyu took turns to spy on Hua Tianfu, but they had to sigh, after all, they were scholars. The two got what they wanted.

Mingyu couldn't help sighing. It seems that scholars are not necessarily all nerds. , the girl who knows how to talk, also has to admit defeat.

But this also shows that Hua Tianfu is not a weak scholar who looks the same on the surface. He is very shrewd and good at playing sloppy with others. Such a person is completely unsuitable for the pure Qinglian. He doesn't know when he will be sold. !

And from Hua Tianfu's mouth, although he is a scholar now, he will go to Beijing to take the exam in a year. Judging by his confident appearance, it seems that he has no problem with high school.

It is known that the Hua family is still a businessman, and the business seems to be doing well. Is this kind of family really suitable for Qinglian?Is this just a country girl from a remote village?

But in the end, they didn't find out in the end whether the other party came to discuss the marriage of the two families or to regret the marriage. The frail scholar's face could not read the meaning of his expression at all.

Because they were worried that Qinglian and Hua Tianfu would be alone, Shi Shi and Mingyu stayed until Qinglian's parents came back, and then left.

(End of this chapter)

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