Chapter 133: The Lower Village (1)
"Little girl, are you going to Xiawu Village to pick tea seeds?"

On the bullock cart, Mingyu and Shi Shi didn't say much about what was going on in the carriage behind, and then they talked about the purpose of this trip to Xiawu Village.

"Yes, I heard that Xiawu Village is famous for having a lot of rapeseed, and the rapeseed is good. Now I want to pick some and squeeze oil to eat. I heard that eating more tea oil is good for your health!"

Looking at the kind old man, Mingyu also saw that driving a car was boring for the old man, so she also smiled and talked back, and Shi Shi also followed suit. The journey is not short, and it is really boring without saying thank you.

"Hey, the old tea seed in the lower house also knows about it, but it's a pity that the tea seed is not worth much, otherwise the life of the people in the lower house would be much better."

The old man’s words were full of regret. He also knew that tea oil was good or bad, especially if he took a sip when he got angry, the effect was not comparable to the medicine bought with a lot of money. It’s a pity that rich people despise it. It’s really a pity. Such a good tea seed, I think he went to see the tea mountains in the afternoon on purpose back then, the mountains and plains are so spectacular, it is a pity, what a pity.

"A good thing will be appreciated by others sooner or later, and then this tea seed will probably be rare." Mingyu didn't know what to say to this ignorant situation, so she could only comfort her in this way.

The old man laughed loudly, "Haha, of course, this good thing is never afraid that no one will find it." He completely agreed with Mingyu's statement.

The old man was also extremely curious about the carriage behind him, but after all he was getting older, his curiosity was not so strong, but it was true that he had sneaked a few glances at the little girl driving the carriage.

Even Mingyu and Shi Shi, two young and inexperienced girls, can tell that Xiao Qing is disguised as a man. It doesn't make sense that he, an old guy, can't tell Xiao Qing's gender. Just like Shi Shi, for such a The little girl was able to drive a good carriage, and he was very envious of his family's praise, but he was not very curious about the carriage itself and the owner, so naturally he did not gossip about this topic.

It is because he likes epics and two little girls who are familiar with each other, so the old man is rarely interested in talking about his youth, as well as the situation of the villages near Nanyang Town, such as which village has the best rice, which village has the most Delicious wine, where are the powerful craftsmen, the most eloquent matchmaker, and so on.

This also made Shi Shi and Mingyu understand that there are more than a dozen villages, large and small, around Nanyang Town. Yu kept everything in mind, thinking that it might be useful when he thought about it, even if he didn't remember the village for a while, it's just a matter of asking when the time comes, it doesn't matter.

Xiawu Village is indeed a bit far away. When we arrived at Dier, it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon. Fortunately, we had prepared and brought dry food with us. In fact, they were homemade rice balls. The stuffing inside was not meat, but It is sour taro lotus, even if it is a cold rice ball, it has a special taste because of the hot and sour taro lotus.

The two got off the ox cart at the entrance of Xiawu's village. The old man who drove the cart knew from Shi Shi that the carriage following them was going to Qiao Village. It was easy to ask the way, so he kindly stepped forward to show Xiaoqing the way.

It turns out that to go to Qiaocun, one only needs to go straight along the mountain road on the right side of Xiawu Village. After turning the corner, you will see the first village. There is not much possibility of getting lost. I really have nothing to say.

(End of this chapter)

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