Chapter 146

Zhong Lin's eyes lit up when he heard that his elder brother wanted to take him up the mountain, or go hunting. He didn't expect that his elder brother who said he would not take him up the mountain before, would now say that he was going to hunt on the mountain. He couldn't help thanking his mean second sister-in-law .

If the second sister-in-law hadn't said such things suddenly, the elder brother wouldn't have come out impatiently, and would have taken him directly to his uncle's house. Isn't it just to bring some gifts to his uncle's house?

It's a pity that neither he nor his eldest brother had a penny, so he had to rely on his eldest brother to go to the mountain to see if there was any game.

Zhong Lin doesn't doubt his elder brother's hunting skills at all. He still remembers that when he was young, his elder brother came back and took him to the mountains to catch pheasants and rabbits. I never missed a shot, even the birds flying in the sky were directly hit by my elder brother with a stone.

That is, at that time, he and Xiaotian admired the eldest brother very much. Of course, the most important point is that when his parents wanted to send him to a rich family as a slave, it was the elder brother who took the money and let him go to the town. The pharmacy became an apprentice.

But also because of this matter, the father and mother annoyed the elder brother again, and since then they have disliked the elder brother even more, he couldn't figure it out, they were all born by the same father and mother, how could the father and mother be partial to this, the second brother It's a treasure, he and his eldest brother are grass, no, or worse than grass.

I don’t understand. In other people’s homes, even if the parents are eccentric, it’s either the big ones, the young ones, or the girls. But when they come to their homes, the big ones and the young ones don’t get parents. Mother's heart, the second is the treasure of parents' heart.

Zhong Quan looked at his younger brother's look of ecstasy, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart. It was a matter of his parents' partiality. He also persuaded him when he was a child. Now that the boy has grown up, he can After thinking about it, he didn't say anything more, the main thing is to think clearly, otherwise it's useless to say more.

Zhong Quan took his younger brother up the mountain to hunt, and was going to visit his uncle's house, while Mingyu and Shi Shi on the other side had already rented a bullock cart from Xiawu Village and rushed to Hetang Village.

Holding on to the cart full of five sacks of tea seeds, Mingyu was both excited and sad, excited that the tea would finally wither and save a fortune to buy saponins, but worried that so many tea seeds would I do it by myself, and I don't know what regulations I need, but I am bound to be tired.

It's just that Mingyu and Shi Shi didn't expect that after leaving the village for a day, major events happened at home. One was Qinglian's marriage, and the other was Wu Cai, whom both Mingyu and the Shi family were guarding against.

There really was an accident in Qinglian's marriage, but no one expected that the Hua family would explain with a very apologetic face the day before they left, under the hospitality of their in-laws. , actually divorced.

Moreover, the hostess of the Hua family said aboveboard that the reason was that Hua Tianfu's future was hindered by her in-laws' status as a farmer, and it was also because of their family's Tianfu that she was favored by the housekeeper or something.

In short, it is actually a sentence, your family is too poor, you have no money and no power, you are not worthy of the son of our Hua family.

As for why they explained the day before they left, the Hua family said very conscientiously that it was because they were afraid that Qinglian would be hit. After all, they also liked Qinglian very much, but no matter what they hesitated, they still had to talk about retiring the engagement. The date was chosen the night before leaving.

As for the second matter, Wu Cai really went to Mingyu's house to prepare for revenge. Wu Cai deliberately found a daytime when Mingyu was not at home, spied on the situation of Mingyu's house, and then waited for the night. On a windy night, take action.

It's a pity that such a careful plan still ran for nothing. Mingyu was not at home, and stayed overnight, even in the early hours of the morning. He just waited for Mingyu to come back. wait until people.

Because Mingyu was going to Xiawu Village, so before dawn that morning, he asked Shi Shi to go to the town and take a bullock cart, but no one in the village knew that Mingyu and Shi Shi had left the village, so Wu Naturally, I don't know, so I just ran away.

After coming back and letting go of the tea seeds, Shi Shi and Mingyu rushed to Qinglian's house before they could rest for a while. In this ancient times, the man's marriage was divorced. what is the problem.

At this time, Qinglian was divorced, and Mingyu and Shi Shi were worried that Qinglian would be upset. Even though they all knew that Qinglian didn't value this marriage or her fiancé, the harm was inevitable. Who knew that sensitive little girl Any thoughts.

"It's Xiaoshi and Mingyu who are here, come in quickly, your sister Qinglian is in the room, go in and see her, it's been a whole day, and the girl hasn't come out yet."

Mrs. He was at home worrying about her daughter who had been huddled in the room all day, when she saw Shi Shi and Mingyu approaching, she immediately found a savior, and dragged them to the door of Qinglian's room, opened the door and shouted inside: "Girl, your sister Xiaoshi and Mingyu have come to see you, why don't you come out and see?"

When Shi Shi and Mingyu saw the worry on He's face, their hearts skipped a beat, that girl Qinglian must have been hurt badly.

But before the two of them thought about how to comfort Qinglian for a while, the girl came out with a normal expression.

"Xiaoshi and sister Mingyu, you are back, did the vegetable picking go well?" Seeing the worried expressions on the faces of Shi Shi and Mingyu, Qinglian felt a little embarrassed, thinking that because of her own affairs, the two good sisters were worried .

In fact, she really didn't have a big deal. Originally, she didn't care about the marriage. It was her mother who was overwhelmed, which made her feel ashamed to show her indifference outside. Now she can only hide in the house.

Compared with Mingyu, who was a little more scrupulous, Shi Shi didn't have so many thoughts. Seeing that Qinglian's expression was fine, he immediately took her hand, looked him up and down, and said, "Qinglian, are you okay! The Hua family is not lucky, Don't be sad, if you want me to say that the Hua family has withdrawn from the marriage, I'll ask Big Brother Qiu to come over to propose marriage later, and if he dares to despise you, I'll ask my big brother to beat him up."

Because she was too worried about Qinglian, Shi Shi didn't pay attention to her aunt, and directly stated her plan carelessly. Of course, this is not the main thing, the main thing is that she talked about Qiu Yan.

Qinglian didn't expect her cousin to say this. Although she was secretly happy that she was resigned, she also knew that her reputation had been affected, so she didn't have much confidence in her heart, and she didn't think that she would not be bound by the marriage contract now. When it's over, go find Qiu Yan or something.

Suddenly being told by the epic, her face immediately turned red, she raised her eyes and peeked at her mother, and she saw her mother's surprised face, and then heard her mother's questioning, she was ashamed and worried, and wished she could go back to the house immediately dodge.

(End of this chapter)

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